When I first met Sophie, she was secretary to a lawyer I consulted about a business venture I was interested in undertaking. I wanted a lawyer to check the contract and see if everything was above board and no loop holes that I could sink into further down stream.
Sophie had a smile that instantly drew my attention, and need I say that wasn't all that woman had that I found interesting to watch. Her eyelashes were long and real. Her perfume was light and barely noticeable even when close to her. My nose picked up that light fragrance and made me want to get closer to smell more of it. I resisted the urge as I moved away from her desk and sat as far away from her as I could and still be in the room. There were a man and a woman waiting separately to see the lawyer. I skimmed a magazine and tried not to be too noticeable watching the pretty secretary. She kept glancing at me and smiling. After seeing the lawyer and on my way out, Sophie gave me a slip of paper that had her cell phone number on it. I called her from the parking lot right outside the office. We made a date for that night.
We went to dinner and she explained that she had been in a two-year relationship with a woman and it had ended badly because her girlfriend had cheated on her. They were still sharing the same apartment because money was tight right now due to the bad economy. Her ex-girlfriend was drawing unemployment and it wasn't enough so that she could get her own place. So even though they were officially not together for the past month, they would be sharing space for at least one more month until her Ex moved in with her mother. Both of their names were on the lease so until next month, she had legal claim to the apartment. It made for a very trying time because the Ex kept bringing home different women once or twice a week.
After dinner, we drove around for a few minutes and then parked down by the river. The city lights reflecting off the dark water were pretty. The sky was darkening with clouds moving to block the moon.
"I really should be getting home because I have work tomorrow. We should have waited till then before going out but I wanted to see you again and couldn't say no when you wanted to have dinner tonight" Sophie said. Her left hand held my right hand as we watched the water.
"I wanted to see you again and didn't want to wait till tomorrow. Do you have plans for this weekend, starting tomorrow?" I asked as my thumb lightly rubbed the pulse area of her wrist.
"Church Sunday morning is my only plan" Sophie said and held her breath. Her going to church was a frequent cause of arguments with her ex-girlfriend.
"I have an out-of-town business conference tomorrow in Martinsville. I was planning on staying there till Saturday because I wanted to see an art exhibit that will only be there this weekend. Do you like art?"
Sophie told me she was an amateur photographer and said she would like to see the art exhibit. So the plan was for me to return to town after my conference, pick her up and I would drive us to Martinsville, where we would have dinner and see a movie. And Saturday after the art exhibit, we would just do whatever we felt like doing the rest of the day. The idea was to spend time together.
A flash of lightning in the distance followed by a thunder clap informed us that a storm was approaching fast. The wind had picked up quite a bit in a short amount of time. We didn't want to separate just yet, so I slid closer and put my arm around her shoulder. The Teddy Pendergrass classic Close the Door was playing softly from the CD player. I wanted very much too kiss her but didn't want to rush things too much, but when she turned her head slightly to indicate that she wanted to be kissed, I didn't resist the offer.
The kiss was light, experimental, at first. She tasted sweet. And it is no exaggeration to say I felt it all over my "haven't been laid in months" body. Now I have been kissed in that time span, but not one kiss made me want another kiss and certainly didn't heat me up enough to make me want to strip bare. But the lips of this woman added to the already pulse increase I had since meeting her in the office earlier that day.
We definitely were feeling each other before we actually physically started feeling each other. Before too long, the breezy wet storm outside competed with the warm wet storm inside. Once my hands started touching her warm skin, I couldn't stop and her moans of approval urged me to make her moan louder, and I did. As our tongues met and rolled and clashed together, our hands roamed exploringly and each caress made us want to grope and fine more untouched flesh.
"Oh Di" was all Sophie said when I first palmed one of her breast. By the way, my name is Diamond but everyone calls me Di for short. My father had the idea of naming all his kids after precious jewels, and I got this one, which my father said suited me because I was like a diamond in the rough. That's what he said about me when I was a kid that liked playing ball and didn't like playing with dolls. However, later, I did like playing with dolls, the real ones. And I prefer to undress them and watch them dress after I finish playing with them.
"I like that song" Sophie panted as I massaged a breast under the blouse. Teddy was now singing Get Up Get Down Get Funk Get Loose which was a song I also liked but not at the moment because it was too fast for the mood. But if Sophie liked it then I wasn't about to click past it to something slower. And besides I didn't want to stop any of the action between us. Sophie's left hand was at my back under my shirt and her right was sliding up and down the outside of my left thigh. Each time her right hand came up my leg, it had moved further up my leg and inward till it was between my thighs. So you know of course that made my legs part more without me even thinking about it.
I soon had her blouse open and her bra above her breast. I couldn't resist putting my face on her chest and pressing those mounds against me. Removing my face, I kissed and licked the left breast first and sucked on a nipple and then switched to the right breast. Now I have handled breast before but this woman had me feeling like it was my first time.
Every woman is different but just the way she made me feel was totally a new experience for me. I can't really explain it, but I just wanted to keep doing what I was doing and listen to her intake of breath and moans. I was aware of her hand between my thighs pressing against my center and I
moaned as my hips raised slightly seeking a harder touch. But then there was sharp lightning and a loud thunder clap, so we reluctantly drew apart and adjusted our clothing.
I walked Sophie to her apartment door and kissed her good night. She invited me inside until the storm passed but I was strong and declined the offer. Just inside her doorway, we kissed hungrily with our bodies pressed tightly together as we grind against each other's thigh. Then a light clicked on.
"Well hello Diamond. Long time no see" said Sophie's ex-girlfriend who just so happen to have been one of the dates whose kiss had not stirred me.
When Sophie learned that I had been on a date with her Ex, she didn't want to see me again. She gave me a cold stare before going to her room and leaving me alone with the woman who suddenly come between us. As I turned to leave, because Sophie wouldn't come back out and talk to me, the Ex made a pass at me which I declined. I didn't know she was involved in a relationship on the night we went out together.
A friend had arranged the blind date saying I needed to go out more and she knew just the cute-fun-loving woman to help me shake my blues. Previously, I had been in a two year relationship with a woman who suddenly announced that she was going to move out of state with her lover. And after seven months, I still was angry over the betrayal. While I was falling in-love with her, she was cheating on me. Need I say, I wasn't very interested in dating after that. But a couple of friends kept arranging blind dates. And just when I thought I was pass being interested in dating ever again, there was Sophie.
I called Sophie after I got home. I called from the conference. I called for a week and sent flowers twice with a lunch or dinner invitation. She wouldn't talk to me. Sophie's Ex picked up a couple of times I called the apartment and I wasn't sure she was telling Sophie that I had been
calling so I decided to make sure she was getting my messages. I didn't call her at work because I didn't want to upset her while she was working. I was waiting at her car when she got off work.
"Why won't you talk to me Sophie?" I asked when she reached pass me with no acknowledgement. I was blocking her car door and refused to move until she talked to me.
"You've been with my Ex and now you want to date me, no thanks, I don't play that."
"Sophie, it was a blind date. We had dinner together, we kissed and there was no chemistry, at least on my part, and we never went out together again."
"That's not what she told me. She said you two spent a hot weekend together and I believe her because you wanted to spend the weekend with me."
"That never happened. Can't you see, she's trying to keep you from being with someone else."
"It doesn't matter if you two were lovers or not. I don't want to see you again."
"Yes you do. Sophie, please baby, I..."
"Don't call me baby. I'm not anybody's baby. Look Diamond, it's not just about you being with her, it's me. I'm not ready to date again and ..."
"I've been calling you all week and sending flowers because I really like you. And I thought you liked me."
"You've been calling? You sent flowers?"
"Yes, all week. And I sent flowers twice."
"After that first call, I didn't receive anymore from you and so I ... you sent flowers?"
"I called your cell and house phone after office hours and most times didn't get an answer. A couple of times your Ex answered and I left a message for you to call me. She didn't give you the flowers either. Damn. Sophie, I really like you. I want a chance, please."
"I've been in-love once in my life and she took that love and tossed it away like it was nothing. She hurt me bad. What I feel for you is so strong that it scares me. I don't fool around on a first date and you had me almost naked in your car. I don't want to lose myself again Diamond."
"Sophie, we've both been hurt. What I feel for you is strong too. Heck, I called you minutes after you gave me your number. I don't do that and I don't make out on the first date either. So since we are both feeling each other, why can't we just slow things down and get to know each other
And that's what we tried to do. We talked on the phone every night for a week. The following Friday, we went out to dinner. We kissed good night at her door with only our lips touching each other. We met for lunch the next day. She didn't want to go out so we decided to stay in and talk and watch a movie. Her Ex was suppose to be gone for the whole weekend but she came home early.
"My you two look cozy" the Ex said as she dropped her keys on the table. Sophie was sitting beside me on the sofa as we watched a movie, ate pizza and drank cola between kisses. When the kisses got too heated, we went back to watching the movie until she had to kiss me and me her.
We ignored the Ex who made noise as she roamed around the apartment. Finally, she sat down on the chair in the living room, watching us more than she did the tv. She was being rude by joining us and we decided without talking about it first, to act like she wasn't there. We kissed
and snuggled and she got irritated but wouldn't leave. I went to the bathroom and the Ex made a move on Sophie and got slapped. When Sophie went to the bathroom, the Ex made a move on me and got punched. We laughed about it months later.
Sophie decided she wanted to dance so put on some soft music, turned the lights down, and we danced, slow. We danced without moving. We kissed and held each other and the whole time the Ex was steaming as she watched us. She had the nerve to ask if she could dance with us. We ignored her. She had the nerve to suggest a threesome, we ignored her. It was obvious to her that Sophie was very into me and was finally letting her go. Her one last effort was doing a strip tease in front of us. We watched, we admired that marvelous body, we clapped and then we went into Sophie's bedroom.
Sophie undressed and laid spread out before me. I popped a couple of buttons trying to get out of my shirt. I was trying to get out of all my clothes at the same time and not take my eyes off the vision showing me most of her charms. I watched her tongue lick across her top lip. I watched her left hand squeeze her left breast as her right hand went further down her torso, then slowly down her thigh, back up along the inside and came to a brief stop on her mound of trimmed pubic hair.
The fingers caressed the curls and then her index finger slid over her c-spot. She made herself open her legs wider when she actually wanted to close them to trap the heat. I wanted to go to her and at the same time I wanted to keep watching.
When I peeled off the shirt and tossed the bra constricting me, my pants and briefs dropped. Dang, how uncool was it to stumble because I forgot to take off my shoes. I gained my balance but had to bend over to get one shoe off. And before I could straighten up, I felt hands grasp both of my butt cheeks and I couldn't move, I didn't want to move.
"Hmmm, you smell delicious. Mind if I have a taste?" that sultry voice said and I almost errupted.
I felt her fingers spread me more and then her tongue took a dip and I couldn't breathe. I had nothing to hold on to so my arms just dangled. My nipples wanted to be touched, but I didn't want any of the sensations diverted so I momentarily ignored that need. I'd been thinking about that
luscious woman since the day I met her and she had me so turned on that I have been wet and throbbing for days. Now she was tasting me and I was barely able to maintain my position.
She put her hands on my knees as if to lock them. My ass started to bounce she was making me feel so good. When she clamped her mouth completely over my opening I moaned and when her hard tongue thrust into me I groaned. This wasn't going to take long. I was too worked up, I needed release.
Sweet darling that she was, she speeded up her wonderful tongue motion and just before I started to release, she removed her mouth and pushed two fingers hard into me. She fucked me with her fingers until I collapsed on my knees before her. Then I felt her weight on me as she began to grind and rotate her clit against my right butt check.
She was slick and feeling how much she wanted me, stirred me up again. Her left leg was between mine and her right leg was on the outside of my right leg. The sound of her grunting each time she thrust her clit against me and her pushing me against the floor had me ready to cum again. She bit me on my right shoulder, lifted her upper body, locked her arms and fucked my butt cheek.
Before I had basically been letting her do all the work but I began to lift my hips and move around which seemed to give her much more delight. Her hands left the floor and pressed down hard on my shoulders. She was trying to keep me down but I kept her off balance enough that she lost continual contact with my cheek. She pressed herself on my hip where I was harder and she let out a deep groan as she continued to ride me. We were too hot to continue like this but we tried. I was stronger than her and kept turning my body until I was finally on my back with her above me.
Oh wow, to have had a camera at that moment when her face was sweating and glowing with passion. For an instant her eyes focused enough to see the fire in mine. Then there was total abandonment as we gyrated against each other. We were sliding, grinding and pounding against each other until we were aching for release. With her hands once more on the floor beside my head, but this time we faced each other, she rode me and rode me.
My hands were everywhere, her back, her face, her breast and finally I grasp her ass and held her down tight against me as we both groaned out our release. Her head was tossed back and her eyes were shut tight as she came on me. Then she collapsed on me. Her full weight made me smile even though I couldn't at the moment move anything else, couldn't even open my eyes.
Several minutes later, still breathing heavily, she moved to stand above me. She extended her hand and pulled me up till we were standing face to face. I know I had a stupid cocky grin on my face cause a woman had just unleashed her passion and fury on me. She held both sides of my face and kissed me sweetly. We stood there hugging each other and then she took my left hand and lead me toward the bed.
She motioned for me to lay down and I was more than ready to because I was exhausted. She slid over me until she was on the other side, pulled the cover over us and laid her pretty head on my shoulder. Three days later, her Ex moved out. A year later, Sophie moved in with me. That was nine years and eleven months ago. I bought a ring and on our tenth anniversary of meeting, I gonna ask my sweet love to marry me. /E\ (c)Salty2009
WELCOME to SPT. fiction, poetry, thoughts on current events, personal tidbits. WARNING: Adults only. WARNING: I will delete comments that are attacks on the LGBT community.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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Hi SPT readers. I haven't posted anything new in several months. I don't want to post about political issues so until I'm inspired with something new or finish a story ....
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
The Agenda-Civil Rights
Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law
SPT Copyright
All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
hot stuff Salty! I need ten minutes to calm down!
ReplyDeleteHi lorgnette. That was my intent - to heat up the reader. ;) Dang, I missed it. You "need", I need to read my e-mail right when it comes in. Shucks, I could have been on the calming down. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat was really hot, and the ending was so sweet :D