returned the wave. She felt silly following the rock star, but she had decided to ask her out to dinner. Zion stopped in front of the post office on Main Street. Zion had parked in the only vacant parking spot on that side so Rusty went further up, turned around to come down on the other side and parked. She crossed the street and waited beside Zion's car.
"Are you stalking me?" Zion smiled then shook the extended hand.
"No. I told mom and a friend that I saw you at the shelter and mom said I should invite you out to dinner and I said I would if I met you again."
"So is that the invitation?"
"Wait, I can do this better. Zion, would you and Sky have dinner with me one evening?"
"That's nice of you Rusty. I would and I'm pretty sure that Sky would also. Where and when?" Zion said ignoring a woman who was watching her a short distance away. The woman was on a cell phone telling a friend that she was at that moment within talking distance of Zion. The woman walked up and asked if she could get a picture with Zion on her cell phone. Zion agreed and Rusty took the shot. Then Rusty asked Zion could she get a picture of them together. The woman, using Rusty's phone, took the picture, shook hands with both women and left smiling.
"Well I'm flexible" Rusty said.
"Okay, how about tonight. It'll be good to get out."
They agreed on a place to eat and was to meet at a location that Zion knew the way to without difficulty. And from there Zion would follow in her car. After saying they'd see each other later, Rusty went by the Steak House and made a reservation. She wanted to be sure to get a table away from a lot of traffic. She knew that Zion wouldn't want to be stared at during her meal. Later, they met up as planned and Nancy got to meet Zion and Sky. Rusty decided not to ask a girlfriend to be her date because if the other two regulars found out they would be mad. As expected, someone recognized Zion and the word was spread that she was in the restaurant. But the foursome ate without anyone coming up and asking for pictures or autographs. It was an enjoyable evening.
The next day, Nancy was telling Gayle about having dinner with Zion and Sky. They were having lunch together when Rusty came in. She had been out playing basketball at the playground.
"Rusty, you're too old to be out there still playing ball with the boys" Nancy teased. Rusty was in great shape for a woman in her early forties because she exercised vigoriously four or five times a week. She'd always been athletic since a kid and her mother had tried to get her to stop playing ball with the boys when she was thirteen. Nancy had wanted to see her daughter in dresses and makeup but finally gave up on dolling up Rusty, who preferred to wear sweats most of the year. Even in the summer, Rusty sometimes wore cut off sweat pants and sleeves were cut off the tops. Not that Rusty looked bad in whatever she wore but she seldom went through much effort where clothes were concerned. At dinner the previous evening, Rusty had worn a new pair of black slacks with matching jacket and a white silk blouse with pearl buttons. Her hair, most times in thick braids under a cap or scarf, had been down, combed straight back with the ends curled under. She had worn tiny gold earrings but no makeup. She was stunning and Nancy was proud to be escorted by her daughter.
"It's getting cold out there. It was feeling good earlier but the sky is getting grey. I'm going to take a shower, what's for lunch?" Rusty said kissing her mother's forehead. She touched Gayle on the shoulder as she passed on the way down the hall.
"She exercises and then wants to eat. But it must work because she stays pretty much the same size" Nancy said putting leftovers in the microwave.
"She looks terrific. I try eating more to gain weight and the only exercise I get is from daily regular activities. I've always been kind of on the skinny side.
"You're a nice size girl. Don't you know you're called the trailer court model? I don't see why women are all the time going on about how much they weigh. Some men like small women and some like women that got some meat on their bones. I say as long as a woman is health and feel good about herself, she shouldn't worry so much about her weight. Of course, carrying too much extra can be unhealthy. My daughter seems to like all sizes" Nancy laughed as she made a fresh pot of coffee. She put a couple slices of pie on a saucer and a whipped cream container on the table. Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang just as Rusty was coming down the hall. Rusty set the microwave timer. Nancy told her to hang up the phone after she picked up in her bedroom. Rusty listened for a sec and then hung up the receiver.
"That's Maria, so mom will be a while. Where's Vanessa, with her dad?" Rusty asked and received a nod. She poured coffee for Gayle and herself. The microwave went off and she transferred the food to her plate, said grace silently and began to eat. They made small talk until Rusty finished and was ready for dessert. Before starting she leaned back and stretched her arms wide to get the kinks out of her relaxing muscles. Gayle just stared at her with mouth slightly open. "I think I you're going to like the gift I got for you" Rusty smiled.
"Please don't get me anything. I'm not buying any gifts, just Santa Clause for Vanessa."
"You don't have to give me a gift just because I give you one. Actually, you give me a gift whenever you're here when I come home" Rusty winked and spooned whip cream atop her pie. Gayle dipped an index finger into the cream on the pie and held it out to Rusty who hesitated slightly before accepting the tempting offering. Gayle then slowly slid the digit between her own lips, the whole time staring into Rusty's eyes. Once again Rusty was fighting with herself to stay still. She did like seeing Gayle in her house. She liked having her close even if she had to stay a certain distance from her. To distract herself, she ate her pie and hoped her mom would hurry back and join them.
Christmas day finally arrived. Family came, exchanged gifts, and ate. This day was always fun and hectic. Finally, the house was quiet. Wrapping paper, bows, fruit, candy and open gifts were spread through the living room. The scent of Christmas was in the air. Later that evening, Gayle stopped by with Vanessa to say Merry Christmas. Vanessa had made her gifts in school and Gayle had bought inexpensive frames for each. They would later hang on the bedroom wall of each woman. Gayle gave Nancy a little foot stoot that she had bought at a thrift store. She had sewn a cover for it that blended with the chair that Nancy sat on. She gave Rusty a package of white cotton socks because Nancy had told her that Rusty had wanted someone to give her socks but she never got them as a gift. Rusty had all kinds of socks but she really liked wearing white cotton and went through them fast. Gayle had made a gift card saying she would fix Rusty's hair for New Years. Nancy had bought Vanessa a dress, socks and shoes for Sunday wear. Rusty had bought the girl a sweat suit, socks and tennis shoes. Nancy gave Gayle a microwave and Rusty gave her a bag with several items in it. Rusty whispered for her not to open the boxed one until she got home. Nancy opened the white envelope that had SEASON'S GREETINGS and her name on it. She cried when she opened it and saw a fifty dollar bill and a gift certificate for four brand new auto tires. She just stepped into Rusty's arms and cried full out.
"Come on now, can't have you riding little Vee around on bald tires" Rusty smiled looking at Vanessa who smiled back. Nancy took the girl into her bedroom to hang her gift.
"I give you socks and you give me tires" Gayle sniffed against the shoulder she didn't want to leave.
"Hmm, lady I like the way you say thank you" Rusty said holding the woman tighter. Then all too soon they drew apart. Nancy and Vanessa returned to the room. Nancy asked Gayle to stay a while and watch a movie. Gayle accepted not wanting to leave Rusty yet. So they watched a movie and ate in the livingroom with trays across their laps to hold the plates and drinks. Nancy sat on her chair and Rusty sat on her chair. Gayle was on the sofa and Vanessa was on the floor, but later joined her mother on the sofa. She was asleep by the time the movie ended. Gayle lifted Vanessa who was almost too big for her to carry now. She said good night to Nancy and kissed her on the cheek. Rusty walked them home taking the gifts. Rusty stopped outside the front door.
"Come on in Rusty. You're welcomed in my house", Gayle told her. Rusty was still standing outside the door when Gayle returned from putting Vanessa to bed.
"I'd better not. No point in taking chances" Rusty said handing the packages to Gayle.
"I promise not to jump you. Come on in."
"Somebody might see and it'll get back to your mother. That's the chance I mean."
"I'm not worrying about my mother and neither should you."
"As much as I would like to, I can't. I mean -- I'd better go. Good night Gayle."
"Good night Rusty. Thank you for being a good friend."
"Is something going on between you and Gayle?" Nancy asked when her daughter returned. Rusty mumbled something and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes and put away the left overs. "I think she likes you."
"What's not to like, I'm adorable" Rusty half smiled not looking at her mother.
"She's not married."
"Meaning what?"
"Meaning she's single. Why don't you ask her out? I can tell that you like her."
"So I like her. I like a lot of women. I don't date them all."
"What's wrong. She didn't ask you in. I thought..."
"Mom I carried her bags to the door. That's all."
"I think she's like you. She always asking about you when you're not here. And the way she held on to you tonight. Well I've got the feeling that she really likes you and not just..."
"Drop it mom. She's a friend and a neighbor and she has a mother."
"The other women you date also have mothers and that doesn't stop you. Gayle is a nice girl. Don't you ever think about settling down and stop all this running around with different women. I've heard about that woman Darlene you run around with. She...."
"NO no no. Uh uh. I don't want to hear it. You don't know anything about Darlene so don't tell me what you heard someone else say about her. The same way you are about to repeat gossip about her is the same way people repeat gossip about me. People know my name and that I'm a lesbian but that doesn't mean they know me."
"Okay Rusty, calm down. I didn't mean to upset you. You're right and I'm sorry. I shouldn't repeat what other people say. But you never bring anyone here, so I don't even know if you're really serious about someone or will ever be serious with just one person. Salena..."
"What about Salena?"
"I thought maybe you and Salena -- well I thought there was more between you than...."
'Than? Than what? Have you talked to her?"
"No. Just that when she came back and you to got together again, you seemed different, well happier. And after she left you went back to the same routine. Maria said Salena was dating someone and so, well if you're thinking about her..."
"I'm not thinking about her. I'm not thinking about anybody. I think about the woman I'm with at the time. Beyond that -- well, I don't. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning" Rusty said kissing her mother's cheek and holding her tight.
Rusty gave a party to welcome in the new year with her friends. Several women in her family who enjoyed cooking prepared the food. The restaurant was decorated with festive colors and glitter balls hung from the ceiling. Robin, Gary, Roger, Randy and others from their group attended. Zion and Sky also was there and glad that they were welcomed without a big production. Nancy invited Maria who brought a date, and a few other older family members. Rusty was dancing with her mother when the count down started. Everyone shouted happy new year and Rusty kissed her mother on the lips and told her that she loved her. A few minutes later, Nancy and the older guest left. Rusty had given Darlene and the other two women invitations but Darlene was the only one that came. Rusty had told each to bring a date because she would be mingling and not have time to give them her full attention. And she made it clear that there was to be no jealousy displayed. Neither of them was dating exclusively, and she wanted to include them in her first party. One couldn't make the party and the other had recently gotten a boyfriend and he didn't want to be around the ex-girlfriend. Darlene started not to go but did want to be near Rusty when the new year started but she didn't arrive alone. She had recently met a woman and invited her to the party. Rusty worked the room weaving her way around trying to say hello to everyone. She had invited Gayle and was glad to see her walk in even if she wasn't alone. Rusty had a cousin and one of his friends working the door. Only people with invitations were allowed in. Luckily only a few people showed up that wasn't invited and left quietly when they couldn't enter. Gayle danced with her date. Rusty danced with a couple of people but stayed away from Gayle wondering who the guy was holding her so snuggly. It was the beginning of a new year and everyone had a good time.
-------New Beginning
"I haven't had time alone with you to say thank you for the secret gift" Gayle smiled when Nancy went to the bathroom. "I used it after midnight and I thought of you."
"Well you probably don't need it now."
"Why do you say that?"
"The guy you brought to the party. The guy who has been to your house every day since then. The guy..."
"He's just a guy my mother thinks I should date."
"So you're dating him to please your mother."
"I'm not dating him. I took him to the party just so my mother would stop bugging me about going to the party by myself. She thought there would be a lot of gay people there because you were giving it. And so I agreed to take Mark. And he's been coming by to see me even though I've repeatedly told him that I wasn't going out with him again."
"So you asked some guy out and now he's interested in you but you were just using him."
"I wasn't using him. He asked me out and so I invited him to the party. He got to go to a party with free food and drinks. Rusty I wanted to be with you that night. In the same space with you and that was a way for me to be there without having my mother nagging me."
"It's none of my business anyway" Rusty said rubbing the middle of her forehead.
"Only in hell is it not. I want you. I'll come to you tonight or you can come to my place. Vanessa is staying with my mother this weekend" Gayle said softly taking a step forward.
"No. I told you I'm not sneaking around with you. That's not how I live my life."
"You know why I can't be open about how I feel about you."
"You'll risk someone seeing you coming to my back door but you'll not risk dating me like you're a grown woman who has a right to be with who you want to be with."
"Damn it Rusty. Am I suppose to make what I feel for you public so that you won't feel bad? What about my life -- my daughter. Yes, I'll risk coming to you at night in the dark because I want you that much. I come to your house when your mother is here and nobody says anything. My mother doesn't like it but she has no proof of anything other than I visit Miss Nancy. I go to work, I visit my mother and occasionally my cousins. I can't be friends with another woman unless she's married and we're not alone. Do you have any idea what it's like to have a life like that. No because you have an accepting mother. Well mine will never accept that her little girl is a lesbian. And she will try to take my daughter from me. I can't put Vanessa through that. Her father might even try to get custody just to keep from paying child support. And I know if he was to get custody that he'll leave Vanessa with his mother because he can barely handle a weekend of taking care of her. You know what, fuck you and fuck them too" Gayle said angrily.
"That's what we can't do" Rusty said flippantly.
"Go to hell Rusty." Gayle said following her down the hall.
"Been there, didn't like it much."
"What is wrong with you? How can you just turn off so easily? I've seen compassion and passion in your eyes then suddenly nothing. You just went blank on me."
"Leave me alone. Shit. When am I going to learn to stay the fuck away from women with complications. Damn it" Rusty said pushing the door closed and then sitting on the bed. Gayle pushed the door open and stood looking around the room. She saw framed pictures and pencil sketches and that would fall under the category of art. An entertainment center was between a filled bookcase and shelves filled with video tapes. A chair was beside the tall dresser which top was covered with vases (none matched) and at least three jewelry cases. And on a wall shelf was a collection of ceramic eggs. On another was a collection of action figures and disney characters. Gayle looked at the woman sitting on the bed and started to laugh. This room was nothing like she had imagined it would be. Rusty had many interest. She stood in front of Rusty until she looked up at her. Rusty didn't resist when gentle hands pulled her head against Gayles torso. She closed her eyes and just inhaled the light fragrance. Gayle eased the woman back and crawled up her slightly until their lips met. Rusty moaned but then sat up quickly lifting Gayle with ease until they were both standing.
"Gayle we can't. One of us has to be sensible."
"Your mother won't care, she likes me. No one else will know."
"Gayle it's not worth the risk. Go home and play with the toy I bought you. And think of me. A skin-on-skin fuck ain't worth messing up your life over."
"Why do I see fire in your eyes one minute and then nothing the next? With one look you make me want to strip and then you fade on me. Why won't you let me love you?"
"You don't need me screwing up your life."
"How is spending one night together going to ...."
"I don't just want you for a damn night. You can't be with me openly and I can sneak around. So there is no point in continuing this."
"Why are you so adamant about us not being together unless people know? It's nobody elses business Rusty."
"Look, it's not about people knowing. It's about not hiding. I've been going through shit most of my life because I'm a lesbian. I knew when I was a kid and finally reached a point where I couldn't keep it hidden. I had girlfriends but I had to be careful. A couple of mothers didn't like that I was dating their daughters. Then I fell in love and she loved me and didn't care who knew it and then she died. I'm past playing with women in the dark who won't acknowledge me in the daylight."
"I've never seen any of your women come to this house. So how open is your relationships with them?"
"Just because I don't bring them home doesn't mean we're hiding. I go out to public places with women who don't care who sees us together no matter what our relationship is -- romantic or platonic."
"And what about Salena. Was she just convenient in-house pussy?"
"I'm not going to discuss her with you."
"You said you wanted more than one night with me. Is that true Rusty?"
"See, that's how some of you women are, you want me but only on your terms. No, don't say it because I understand. I like you and I would like to get to know you better. But we can't be anymore to each other than neighbors and friends. Neither of us are teens with raging hormones that make us lose our senses. Okay, we have raging hormones, but we're not teens", Rusty said smiling. Gayle stepped into her arms and kissed her tenderly.
"You're right of course. And thank you for not taking advantage of my raging hormones."
When they walked down the hall, Nancy was in the living room watching tv. Gayle simply wave slightly before leaving. Rusty sat on her chair and reached for the remote. Neither of them said anything but Nancy was itching to ask questions. /E4\ (c)Salty2008
"Are you stalking me?" Zion smiled then shook the extended hand.
"No. I told mom and a friend that I saw you at the shelter and mom said I should invite you out to dinner and I said I would if I met you again."
"So is that the invitation?"
"Wait, I can do this better. Zion, would you and Sky have dinner with me one evening?"
"That's nice of you Rusty. I would and I'm pretty sure that Sky would also. Where and when?" Zion said ignoring a woman who was watching her a short distance away. The woman was on a cell phone telling a friend that she was at that moment within talking distance of Zion. The woman walked up and asked if she could get a picture with Zion on her cell phone. Zion agreed and Rusty took the shot. Then Rusty asked Zion could she get a picture of them together. The woman, using Rusty's phone, took the picture, shook hands with both women and left smiling.
"Well I'm flexible" Rusty said.
"Okay, how about tonight. It'll be good to get out."
They agreed on a place to eat and was to meet at a location that Zion knew the way to without difficulty. And from there Zion would follow in her car. After saying they'd see each other later, Rusty went by the Steak House and made a reservation. She wanted to be sure to get a table away from a lot of traffic. She knew that Zion wouldn't want to be stared at during her meal. Later, they met up as planned and Nancy got to meet Zion and Sky. Rusty decided not to ask a girlfriend to be her date because if the other two regulars found out they would be mad. As expected, someone recognized Zion and the word was spread that she was in the restaurant. But the foursome ate without anyone coming up and asking for pictures or autographs. It was an enjoyable evening.
The next day, Nancy was telling Gayle about having dinner with Zion and Sky. They were having lunch together when Rusty came in. She had been out playing basketball at the playground.
"Rusty, you're too old to be out there still playing ball with the boys" Nancy teased. Rusty was in great shape for a woman in her early forties because she exercised vigoriously four or five times a week. She'd always been athletic since a kid and her mother had tried to get her to stop playing ball with the boys when she was thirteen. Nancy had wanted to see her daughter in dresses and makeup but finally gave up on dolling up Rusty, who preferred to wear sweats most of the year. Even in the summer, Rusty sometimes wore cut off sweat pants and sleeves were cut off the tops. Not that Rusty looked bad in whatever she wore but she seldom went through much effort where clothes were concerned. At dinner the previous evening, Rusty had worn a new pair of black slacks with matching jacket and a white silk blouse with pearl buttons. Her hair, most times in thick braids under a cap or scarf, had been down, combed straight back with the ends curled under. She had worn tiny gold earrings but no makeup. She was stunning and Nancy was proud to be escorted by her daughter.
"It's getting cold out there. It was feeling good earlier but the sky is getting grey. I'm going to take a shower, what's for lunch?" Rusty said kissing her mother's forehead. She touched Gayle on the shoulder as she passed on the way down the hall.
"She exercises and then wants to eat. But it must work because she stays pretty much the same size" Nancy said putting leftovers in the microwave.
"She looks terrific. I try eating more to gain weight and the only exercise I get is from daily regular activities. I've always been kind of on the skinny side.
"You're a nice size girl. Don't you know you're called the trailer court model? I don't see why women are all the time going on about how much they weigh. Some men like small women and some like women that got some meat on their bones. I say as long as a woman is health and feel good about herself, she shouldn't worry so much about her weight. Of course, carrying too much extra can be unhealthy. My daughter seems to like all sizes" Nancy laughed as she made a fresh pot of coffee. She put a couple slices of pie on a saucer and a whipped cream container on the table. Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang just as Rusty was coming down the hall. Rusty set the microwave timer. Nancy told her to hang up the phone after she picked up in her bedroom. Rusty listened for a sec and then hung up the receiver.
"That's Maria, so mom will be a while. Where's Vanessa, with her dad?" Rusty asked and received a nod. She poured coffee for Gayle and herself. The microwave went off and she transferred the food to her plate, said grace silently and began to eat. They made small talk until Rusty finished and was ready for dessert. Before starting she leaned back and stretched her arms wide to get the kinks out of her relaxing muscles. Gayle just stared at her with mouth slightly open. "I think I you're going to like the gift I got for you" Rusty smiled.
"Please don't get me anything. I'm not buying any gifts, just Santa Clause for Vanessa."
"You don't have to give me a gift just because I give you one. Actually, you give me a gift whenever you're here when I come home" Rusty winked and spooned whip cream atop her pie. Gayle dipped an index finger into the cream on the pie and held it out to Rusty who hesitated slightly before accepting the tempting offering. Gayle then slowly slid the digit between her own lips, the whole time staring into Rusty's eyes. Once again Rusty was fighting with herself to stay still. She did like seeing Gayle in her house. She liked having her close even if she had to stay a certain distance from her. To distract herself, she ate her pie and hoped her mom would hurry back and join them.
Christmas day finally arrived. Family came, exchanged gifts, and ate. This day was always fun and hectic. Finally, the house was quiet. Wrapping paper, bows, fruit, candy and open gifts were spread through the living room. The scent of Christmas was in the air. Later that evening, Gayle stopped by with Vanessa to say Merry Christmas. Vanessa had made her gifts in school and Gayle had bought inexpensive frames for each. They would later hang on the bedroom wall of each woman. Gayle gave Nancy a little foot stoot that she had bought at a thrift store. She had sewn a cover for it that blended with the chair that Nancy sat on. She gave Rusty a package of white cotton socks because Nancy had told her that Rusty had wanted someone to give her socks but she never got them as a gift. Rusty had all kinds of socks but she really liked wearing white cotton and went through them fast. Gayle had made a gift card saying she would fix Rusty's hair for New Years. Nancy had bought Vanessa a dress, socks and shoes for Sunday wear. Rusty had bought the girl a sweat suit, socks and tennis shoes. Nancy gave Gayle a microwave and Rusty gave her a bag with several items in it. Rusty whispered for her not to open the boxed one until she got home. Nancy opened the white envelope that had SEASON'S GREETINGS and her name on it. She cried when she opened it and saw a fifty dollar bill and a gift certificate for four brand new auto tires. She just stepped into Rusty's arms and cried full out.
"Come on now, can't have you riding little Vee around on bald tires" Rusty smiled looking at Vanessa who smiled back. Nancy took the girl into her bedroom to hang her gift.
"I give you socks and you give me tires" Gayle sniffed against the shoulder she didn't want to leave.
"Hmm, lady I like the way you say thank you" Rusty said holding the woman tighter. Then all too soon they drew apart. Nancy and Vanessa returned to the room. Nancy asked Gayle to stay a while and watch a movie. Gayle accepted not wanting to leave Rusty yet. So they watched a movie and ate in the livingroom with trays across their laps to hold the plates and drinks. Nancy sat on her chair and Rusty sat on her chair. Gayle was on the sofa and Vanessa was on the floor, but later joined her mother on the sofa. She was asleep by the time the movie ended. Gayle lifted Vanessa who was almost too big for her to carry now. She said good night to Nancy and kissed her on the cheek. Rusty walked them home taking the gifts. Rusty stopped outside the front door.
"Come on in Rusty. You're welcomed in my house", Gayle told her. Rusty was still standing outside the door when Gayle returned from putting Vanessa to bed.
"I'd better not. No point in taking chances" Rusty said handing the packages to Gayle.
"I promise not to jump you. Come on in."
"Somebody might see and it'll get back to your mother. That's the chance I mean."
"I'm not worrying about my mother and neither should you."
"As much as I would like to, I can't. I mean -- I'd better go. Good night Gayle."
"Good night Rusty. Thank you for being a good friend."
"Is something going on between you and Gayle?" Nancy asked when her daughter returned. Rusty mumbled something and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes and put away the left overs. "I think she likes you."
"What's not to like, I'm adorable" Rusty half smiled not looking at her mother.
"She's not married."
"Meaning what?"
"Meaning she's single. Why don't you ask her out? I can tell that you like her."
"So I like her. I like a lot of women. I don't date them all."
"What's wrong. She didn't ask you in. I thought..."
"Mom I carried her bags to the door. That's all."
"I think she's like you. She always asking about you when you're not here. And the way she held on to you tonight. Well I've got the feeling that she really likes you and not just..."
"Drop it mom. She's a friend and a neighbor and she has a mother."
"The other women you date also have mothers and that doesn't stop you. Gayle is a nice girl. Don't you ever think about settling down and stop all this running around with different women. I've heard about that woman Darlene you run around with. She...."
"NO no no. Uh uh. I don't want to hear it. You don't know anything about Darlene so don't tell me what you heard someone else say about her. The same way you are about to repeat gossip about her is the same way people repeat gossip about me. People know my name and that I'm a lesbian but that doesn't mean they know me."
"Okay Rusty, calm down. I didn't mean to upset you. You're right and I'm sorry. I shouldn't repeat what other people say. But you never bring anyone here, so I don't even know if you're really serious about someone or will ever be serious with just one person. Salena..."
"What about Salena?"
"I thought maybe you and Salena -- well I thought there was more between you than...."
'Than? Than what? Have you talked to her?"
"No. Just that when she came back and you to got together again, you seemed different, well happier. And after she left you went back to the same routine. Maria said Salena was dating someone and so, well if you're thinking about her..."
"I'm not thinking about her. I'm not thinking about anybody. I think about the woman I'm with at the time. Beyond that -- well, I don't. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning" Rusty said kissing her mother's cheek and holding her tight.
Rusty gave a party to welcome in the new year with her friends. Several women in her family who enjoyed cooking prepared the food. The restaurant was decorated with festive colors and glitter balls hung from the ceiling. Robin, Gary, Roger, Randy and others from their group attended. Zion and Sky also was there and glad that they were welcomed without a big production. Nancy invited Maria who brought a date, and a few other older family members. Rusty was dancing with her mother when the count down started. Everyone shouted happy new year and Rusty kissed her mother on the lips and told her that she loved her. A few minutes later, Nancy and the older guest left. Rusty had given Darlene and the other two women invitations but Darlene was the only one that came. Rusty had told each to bring a date because she would be mingling and not have time to give them her full attention. And she made it clear that there was to be no jealousy displayed. Neither of them was dating exclusively, and she wanted to include them in her first party. One couldn't make the party and the other had recently gotten a boyfriend and he didn't want to be around the ex-girlfriend. Darlene started not to go but did want to be near Rusty when the new year started but she didn't arrive alone. She had recently met a woman and invited her to the party. Rusty worked the room weaving her way around trying to say hello to everyone. She had invited Gayle and was glad to see her walk in even if she wasn't alone. Rusty had a cousin and one of his friends working the door. Only people with invitations were allowed in. Luckily only a few people showed up that wasn't invited and left quietly when they couldn't enter. Gayle danced with her date. Rusty danced with a couple of people but stayed away from Gayle wondering who the guy was holding her so snuggly. It was the beginning of a new year and everyone had a good time.
-------New Beginning
"I haven't had time alone with you to say thank you for the secret gift" Gayle smiled when Nancy went to the bathroom. "I used it after midnight and I thought of you."
"Well you probably don't need it now."
"Why do you say that?"
"The guy you brought to the party. The guy who has been to your house every day since then. The guy..."
"He's just a guy my mother thinks I should date."
"So you're dating him to please your mother."
"I'm not dating him. I took him to the party just so my mother would stop bugging me about going to the party by myself. She thought there would be a lot of gay people there because you were giving it. And so I agreed to take Mark. And he's been coming by to see me even though I've repeatedly told him that I wasn't going out with him again."
"So you asked some guy out and now he's interested in you but you were just using him."
"I wasn't using him. He asked me out and so I invited him to the party. He got to go to a party with free food and drinks. Rusty I wanted to be with you that night. In the same space with you and that was a way for me to be there without having my mother nagging me."
"It's none of my business anyway" Rusty said rubbing the middle of her forehead.
"Only in hell is it not. I want you. I'll come to you tonight or you can come to my place. Vanessa is staying with my mother this weekend" Gayle said softly taking a step forward.
"No. I told you I'm not sneaking around with you. That's not how I live my life."
"You know why I can't be open about how I feel about you."
"You'll risk someone seeing you coming to my back door but you'll not risk dating me like you're a grown woman who has a right to be with who you want to be with."
"Damn it Rusty. Am I suppose to make what I feel for you public so that you won't feel bad? What about my life -- my daughter. Yes, I'll risk coming to you at night in the dark because I want you that much. I come to your house when your mother is here and nobody says anything. My mother doesn't like it but she has no proof of anything other than I visit Miss Nancy. I go to work, I visit my mother and occasionally my cousins. I can't be friends with another woman unless she's married and we're not alone. Do you have any idea what it's like to have a life like that. No because you have an accepting mother. Well mine will never accept that her little girl is a lesbian. And she will try to take my daughter from me. I can't put Vanessa through that. Her father might even try to get custody just to keep from paying child support. And I know if he was to get custody that he'll leave Vanessa with his mother because he can barely handle a weekend of taking care of her. You know what, fuck you and fuck them too" Gayle said angrily.
"That's what we can't do" Rusty said flippantly.
"Go to hell Rusty." Gayle said following her down the hall.
"Been there, didn't like it much."
"What is wrong with you? How can you just turn off so easily? I've seen compassion and passion in your eyes then suddenly nothing. You just went blank on me."
"Leave me alone. Shit. When am I going to learn to stay the fuck away from women with complications. Damn it" Rusty said pushing the door closed and then sitting on the bed. Gayle pushed the door open and stood looking around the room. She saw framed pictures and pencil sketches and that would fall under the category of art. An entertainment center was between a filled bookcase and shelves filled with video tapes. A chair was beside the tall dresser which top was covered with vases (none matched) and at least three jewelry cases. And on a wall shelf was a collection of ceramic eggs. On another was a collection of action figures and disney characters. Gayle looked at the woman sitting on the bed and started to laugh. This room was nothing like she had imagined it would be. Rusty had many interest. She stood in front of Rusty until she looked up at her. Rusty didn't resist when gentle hands pulled her head against Gayles torso. She closed her eyes and just inhaled the light fragrance. Gayle eased the woman back and crawled up her slightly until their lips met. Rusty moaned but then sat up quickly lifting Gayle with ease until they were both standing.
"Gayle we can't. One of us has to be sensible."
"Your mother won't care, she likes me. No one else will know."
"Gayle it's not worth the risk. Go home and play with the toy I bought you. And think of me. A skin-on-skin fuck ain't worth messing up your life over."
"Why do I see fire in your eyes one minute and then nothing the next? With one look you make me want to strip and then you fade on me. Why won't you let me love you?"
"You don't need me screwing up your life."
"How is spending one night together going to ...."
"I don't just want you for a damn night. You can't be with me openly and I can sneak around. So there is no point in continuing this."
"Why are you so adamant about us not being together unless people know? It's nobody elses business Rusty."
"Look, it's not about people knowing. It's about not hiding. I've been going through shit most of my life because I'm a lesbian. I knew when I was a kid and finally reached a point where I couldn't keep it hidden. I had girlfriends but I had to be careful. A couple of mothers didn't like that I was dating their daughters. Then I fell in love and she loved me and didn't care who knew it and then she died. I'm past playing with women in the dark who won't acknowledge me in the daylight."
"I've never seen any of your women come to this house. So how open is your relationships with them?"
"Just because I don't bring them home doesn't mean we're hiding. I go out to public places with women who don't care who sees us together no matter what our relationship is -- romantic or platonic."
"And what about Salena. Was she just convenient in-house pussy?"
"I'm not going to discuss her with you."
"You said you wanted more than one night with me. Is that true Rusty?"
"See, that's how some of you women are, you want me but only on your terms. No, don't say it because I understand. I like you and I would like to get to know you better. But we can't be anymore to each other than neighbors and friends. Neither of us are teens with raging hormones that make us lose our senses. Okay, we have raging hormones, but we're not teens", Rusty said smiling. Gayle stepped into her arms and kissed her tenderly.
"You're right of course. And thank you for not taking advantage of my raging hormones."
When they walked down the hall, Nancy was in the living room watching tv. Gayle simply wave slightly before leaving. Rusty sat on her chair and reached for the remote. Neither of them said anything but Nancy was itching to ask questions. /E4\ (c)Salty2008
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