"Where's the rest of you?" Rusty asked looking Salena up and down.
"You noticed. I have lost a few pounds but I didn't think it would be noticeable yet."
"You don't fit in my arms the same", Rusty smiled.
"Be honest now, this is a better fit cause your arms go around me more."
"Salena, come on in and have some dinner" Nancy said. Nancy and Sandy noticed Gayle's reaction when the two women had embraced.
"Hi Miss Nancy. How are you?" Salena asked kissing the older woman on the cheek. Sandy tried not to laugh as Gayle and Salena eyed each other.
"This is our neighbor Gayle and her daughter Vanessa. This is Salena" Rusty said as an introduction. Salena didn't stay but she asked Rusty to have dinner with her the next evening and Rusty accepted.
"Are you in-love with Salena?" Gayle asked Rusty later, after Sandy had left and Nancy went to the restroom. "She's in-love with you. I saw it in her eyes when she looked at you."
"I care for her."
"Is that all. The way you looked at her -- Rusty, I need you to tell me if you're in-love with her or not. Because if you are ..."
"If I am?"
"Then there would be no point in me coming here every day. I really like Miss Nancy but I come now to see you. But if you're in-love with her, or anyone, I wish you would tell me and not let me hope that there could one day be more between us."
"Why are you asking about Salena? She doesn't even live in town. You know I'm still seeing other women. So ..."
"Maybe because I've never had the sense before that you had deeper feelings for the other women you date. But seeing you and Salena together, well, I just want you to tell me what you really feel."
"About her or about you?"
"Me" Gayle said staring into Rusty's eyes. They had moved from the living room to the kitchen because they didn't want Vanessa to hear. The girl was watching a disney cartoon. Both women were speaking in low tones.
"I do have feelings for Salena. I don't know, there's something about her, that really gets to me. But she and I know that beyond the physical attraction, we're not really compatible. We're both single so there's no reason why we shouldn't see each other when she's here."
"And is that how you feel about me, that we have the sexual attraction but that we're not compatible?"
"Gayle, we've been over this. Your life is complicated. I live my life with as few complications as I can. I feel different with you, okay, but I know there can't be more between us. I like sex, and I'm not going to stop dating other women who share that part of themselves with me."
"I didn't ask you to stop seeing other women. I torture myself coming here everyday just to be close to you. I tried staying away, didn't come by for three days, but that was even more torturous. So I come and sit in your home and talk to your mother and hope that you'll touch my shoulder. I look at you, listen to your voice and force myself to not touch you. What I really want to do is take you down the hall and explore your naked body" Gayle whispered.
"Mama, I wanna go play with my toys" Vanessa called from the living room. Her favorite cartoon had ended and she was ready to go home.
"Okay baby" Gayle said standing. She clutched her left upper thigh as she stared into Rusty's eyes. When she turned, she felt a light tug on her blouse and then felt Rusty brush lightly against her. Gayle put a hand behind her and gripped the side of Rusty's right leg. It was a quick touch that burned.
The next day, Vanessa went to church with her grandmother and wouldn't be home until late afternoon. Nancy invited Gayle to dinner. As the meal was cooking, the three women sat out on the front deck. A relative pulled up and parked. He kissed Nancy's cheek and hugged Rusty, and was introduced to Gayle. He wanted to speak to Rusty, so they went inside.
"I need a favor Cuz. I need to get a part for my car. My mechanic said he would put it on and wait on the payment next week when I get paid. But I like to pay when the work is done. I have the money for the part but not enough to go ahead and pay him. My work hours have been cut. I don't like to ask but I need my car to get to work. I get paid ...."
"No problem Cuz, how much?" He told her and she went to her bedroom and got the money from her wallet. Her cousin was younger but reliable and she knew he didn't like to ask for help, especially financially. A couple of her other relatives often came wanting to borrow money, but one had a habit of not paying it all back. But Rusty never expected to have it returned until it was returned. If she didn't want them to have it, she wouldn't have given it to begin with.
"She's cute. What's her name?" he asked motioning with his head. Rusty told him and shook her head when he asked if Gayle was her girlfriend. He asked if Gayle was married or had a boyfriend. Rusty again shook her head. When they returned to the porch, he asked Gayle for a date the following weekend. Gayle politely said no. He gave Nancy a hug and left. A couple of neighbors blew as they drove pass. Nancy went inside to check on dinner.
"Your cousin is tall and handsome, sort of looks like you" Gayle smiled.
"He's a good guy. His wife cheated on him and got pregnant by someone else. Broke his heart and really crushed him. She said she didn't want to start having kids until after they were more financially stable. He worked two jobs so that he could save, and he was so excited to be a dad. Then when the baby was about a year old, the real father wanted to see the baby and that's when my cousin found out about the affair. The paternity test proved that he wasn't the baby's father, but he still wanted her and the baby. His wife got involved with the bio-father again, and she left my cousin taking the baby with her. But she was only with the other guy for about two years and then they split up. It's nasty what she did to my cousin. I don't think he's dated much since then, if at all."
"Well since I can't have you, maybe I should go out with him" Gayle said and instantly regretted it because of the flash in Rusty's eyes. "I was only kidding Rusty. I wouldn't date your cousin."
"Date who you want to Gayle."
"I'm dating you. At least that's how I think of the time I spend with you. So I guess I'm dating you and your mother" Gayle laughed.
"Hello" said Rusty answering the phone. It was after midnight and her mother was in bed sleeping. Rusty was still in the living room watching a movie. When no one said anything, Rusty hung up the phone. After about five minutes, she made a call. "Why didn't you say something when you called?"
"Because I felt stupid. I was watching the video you gave me. It's erotic enough but I just mostly think about you doing all those things to me. I just wanted to hear your voice."
"I'm in the living room. I'm going to my room and I'll call you, okay?" Rusty hung up, turned off the tv and went to her bedroom. She was already in her pajamas, so she got in bed and dialed Gayles number. "Are you still watching the video?"
"No. I've watched it so much, that it's not doing much for me now."
"Are you in your bedroom? Okay, turn off the light, lay back and talk to me."
"Rusty, I ache for you so bad. I shouldn't have called, but now I'm glad I did."
Rusty could hear the tears in Gayle's voice. Rusty closed her eyes and talked softly telling Gayle what she would do to her if she was there. Both women were soon touching themselves and moaning while giving vivid word pictures of where their hands were on their bodies. When Gayle groaned out Rusty's name as she released, Rusty moaned out Gayle's name and was mildly surprised at the intensity of her release. It was her first phone sex experience. Both women fell asleep without hanging up. Neither of them wanted to break the connection. Gayle awoke first because she had to get Vanessa ready for school. She smiled as she picked up the receiver and found the line still open. Her free hand went down between her legs and she rubbed the moisture over her now relaxed nub. She whispered into the phone "I love you" before hanging up. She had no idea that Rusty heard her. At least once a week, Gayle would call Rusty after midnight. Rusty would let Gayle initiate contact because she felt that she wasn't taking advantage of Gayle that way. The thing was, Gayle wouldn't come to the house until the second day after their phone rendezvous. But Rusty noticed that Gayle had started to not visit a day before that midnight phone call. It had become routine to the point that Rusty wouldn't go out on a date before or after being with Gayle via the phone.
"Why is it that I'm seeing less and less of you Rusty?" Darlene asked one evening while they were at a restaurant having dinner.
"What are you doing marking the calendar?"
"No. Just that lately when I ask you out, you've been saying you have other plans."
"And you've had other plans when I ask you out. So?"
"Are you seeing someone else. No don't tell me. I don't really want to know that you have another woman."
"Darlene, you've always known you're not the only woman I date. And I know I'm not the only woman you date. So why are you ..."
"I know we're not exclusive, but it's mainly because that's the way you want it. I can't help how I feel about you, which seems to be more than you care about me" Darlene said sliding her plate away with the food mostly uneaten. Rusty picked at her food also not consuming much of it.
"What do you expect me to do, tell you how much you mean to me?"
"Yes, tell me on a scale just where do I ..."
"Rusty, I just ..."
"I've been up front with you. But you want more from me than I can give you. And now ..."
"The woman I brought to your New Years party wants us to date exclusively. I like her a lot, but I'm kinda hung up on you. Maybe if I see less of you and more of her ..."
"Darlene baby, I do care about you, and want you to be happy. We're friends and I'll miss doing all those friendly things with you, but you should give yourself a chance with your new friend."
"I don't know why, but I didn't think you would take this so well. We've been dating each other for over a year, and this is a milder reaction than what I expected. Am I even above 5 on your scale?"
"Yes. Look, I know I have this reputation of being a player but that's now how I see myself. You know about the other two women that I dated regularly. Well, as you know, one is now dating a guy, and now it seems like I'll be down to one regular date. And she was the one I saw with less frequency. You know, even when you and me go out together, we don't always end up in bed together. So it's not about just the sex. I like you. I like spending time with you. And it's obvious that you want something more in your life than what I give, and this woman has really sparked your interest, so you need to put the time in and go for it."
"She's really nice. And other than you, she's the only one who makes me feel really good about myself. I know what some people are saying about me, but you have always treated me with respect in spite of my past. I ... I ..."
"Don't look so smug. I'm not going to say I love you. What I want to tell you is, that I haven't been dating anyone other than you, until Helen. It's because of you that I'm even ready to trust again. I feel comfortable with her."
"Good. Wait, I'm about to lose my lover to another woman and that's good?"
"We can still be friends" Darlene smiled.
"Friends? But as a friend, I can't play with those anymore" Rusty frowned looking at Darlene's ample bosom.
"When you say that, it's so much naughtier and sweeter then how anyone else has every talked about them." Darlene laughed. "Helen likes them to".
"Okay, don't put that picture in my head." Rusty said standing. She left a tip on the table. When they left the restaurant, Rusty didn't take Darlene straight home. She drove around with her date sitting close beside her. When she finally pulled up in front of Darlene's apartment, the two women kissed before getting out of the car. Rusty walked Darlene to her door where they embraced and kissed each other goodbye.
Some year this is turning out to be, thought Rusty. I've lost two women. Damn. The woman who had began dating a man and didn't attend the New Year's party, had officially broken up with Rusty a week into the new year. The other woman she saw occasionally, had family responsibilities, an elderly parent and a handicapped son. The time they spent together was mostly at a motel. The woman wasn't gay, but when she met Rusty, there was a sexual attraction. She was Rusty's auto insurance agent. After some heated looks, she asked Rusty out. From the first, she let Rusty know that she had never been sexually attracted to a woman before and Rusty had her curious enough to want to fully experience what she was feeling. They met usually only once a month at a motel just outside of town. And they didn't always have sex. The woman sometimes just needed someone to snuggle with and many times slept with Rusty's arms around her, but left before the sun came up. Yeah, some player I am, Rusty's thoughts continued. The only sex I've had in weeks was over phone. And then she was thinking about her beautiful neighbor. Gayle hadn't been over to visit in six days. And she had not called for an after midnight tryst.
Nancy worked at a school cafeteria and was close to retirement. She was looking forward to more days of leisure. She stayed out of her daughter's personal relationships but she was curious about what had happened between Rusty and Gayle. Neither Gayle or Vanessa had been to visit in a while. Nancy called Gayle one day to invite them to dinner. Gayle declined the invitation. A few days later, Gayle stopped by wanting to talk to Nancy.
"I'm sorry for cutting you off the other day Miss Nancy. My mother wants me to date some guy and I keep telling her that I'm not interested. She's making me crazy. And Vanessa's father has missed two weekend visits and I have to keep making up excuses why he hasn't been to see her or called her. I've told him that he should stop by and spend time with Vanessa even if he doesn't want her to visit some weekends."
"Why doesn't he want to see her, she's a sweet child?"
"I don't know. I think he has a new girlfriend. But he still should take time for Vanessa. She adores him. I know in the past I've talked your ear off telling you about my problems. It was good to have someone to talk to, but you must get tired..."
"Honey, I'm always here to listen to you. I wish my daughter would talk to me more about her life."
"Rusty doesn't seem to be home much lately. I haven't seen her car in several days."
"Rusty is in New York visiting a friend" Nancy said. Gayle wondered if it was a female friend but didn't ask because it wasn't her business. She kept telling herself that over and over.
Rusty returned home that weekend after being gone a full week. Nancy, Gayle and a male neighbor were on the front deck when Rusty parked in the driveway. Vanessa and a playmate were riding their little bikes. Rusty said hello, kissed her mother and went inside. She didn't join the others but stayed in the house the rest of the day.
"Hey girl, I missed you" Robin said two days later sitting in Rusty's kitchen drinking a soda.
"What is it?" Rusty asked her best friend. She knew Robin had something to tell her and could barely contain herself.
"I think Gary will soon ask me to marry him. I'm a little excited and at the same time, I'm not sure if I'm ready to get married."
"Well, until he ask, you can be thinking more about how you feel about it. It's a big step."
"I know. I love Gary so much, but I'm not sure if I can be a wife right now. It's one thing to live with someone but to actually be married would change things so much. I've seen other couples who lived together before marriage, split up after getting married."
The two friends continued to talk. Later that evening, Nancy thought something was up but she knew Rusty would tell her when she was ready.
"Gayle, no", Rusty whispered and tried to move from the wall where Gayle had her pinned in the hall.
"Why Rusty?" Gayle panted against Rusty's lips. She was holding the other woman by the waist as she pressed against her. It was a Friday evening and they had just watched a movie on demand with Nancy, who seemed to spend a lot of time in the bathroom when Gayle and Rusty were there. Vanessa was with her paternal grandmother. "I miss you and our after midnight phone chats." Rusty's arms were folded while trying to manuever away from the persistant woman. If she used her hands to push Gayle away, well, she wasn't sure that she could push her away if she touched her.
"Gayle, damn it Gayle stop!" Rusty whispered more forcefully. "If we cross the line and your mother found out, you would never forgive me."
"I don't care what my mother thinks anymore Rusty. I want you. I can't believe myself how much I want you, think about you." Gayle said pressing her center harder against Rusty's right thigh. For a moment Rusty was lost in the sensation but made herself focus. Her mother wouldn't stay in the bathroom for long and she didn't want to be caught being that intimate with Gayle. She still mentally slapped herself for letting her mother find her with Salena. And she most certainly didn't want another altercation with an upset mother. She had lost her cool and said things in front of her elders that she regretted. She didn't want a repeat of anything like that again. And who knows, maybe Gayle's mother would try to get custody of Vanessa. She held tightly to Gayle's wrists and pushed her against the opposite wall, and then kissed each hand while holding her gaze.
"Thank you but that is not enough. Rusty, there is a motel about five miles east of town. Meet me there tomorrow night after nine o'clock. We can have a few hours alone. I can pay for the room with the money I made doing hair. Stop shaking your head and at least think about it. I'll be waiting for you" Gayle said and then left.
Rusty hurried to the bathroom. Moments before, Gayle had grabbed Rusty's hand and put it under her dress so that Rusty could feel her wet panties. Rusty quickly pulled her top off and washed her hands, neck and face removing Gayle's lipstick and scent. Rusty had no intention of meeting Gayle, so she had to rid herself of Gayle's scent or she'd be tempted to go knocking at Gayle's door. Gayle was a beautiful woman who made it hard, in more ways than one, for Rusty to keep resisting her charms. The next night, Rusty still had no intention of meeting Gayle. She had purposely been keeping her distance from the trailer court model, since Darlene ended their relationship. She had taken a trip north to see a friend just to get out of town. Her third day away, she called the last woman she had been romantically involved with. She had decided to make a complete change and just stop dating for a while. She needed a break to sort out what she was feeling. Of the three women she had dated on a regular basis, Darlene was the closes to her, but she wasn't heart broken when the end came.
Salena had made her feel more, but they both knew they wouldn't have anything more permenent. Now damn it, Gayle had slipped under her -- under her what? It's not like she was purposely not allowing ... no that's wrong. She had purposely not let anyone breach the barbed wire fence that protected her heart. She adored women but avoided totally opening up and allowing herself to explore actually deeply loving someone. She'd been hurt too many times and to stop that pain from ever happening again, she shut part of herself down. Women fell for her looks and charm and the way she romanced them but at some point, they realized that Rusty wouldn't let them get too close. They could share time and bodies, but Rusty's heart was off limits. Darlene wasn't the first to walk away seeking more than what Rusty could offer. Gayle had no idea that she had penetrated Rusty's scabbed-over heart. /E5\ (c)Salty2009
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