
Rusty quietly entered the room and using the light from the tv, she glanced at the woman sleeping on the folddown sofa. Just as Rusty had done, the woman was topless. Rusty looked at the breasts and took a deep breath. The room was suddenly hotter. The VCR power light was on and she found that a tape was in it. She never left a tape all the way in the machine. If she had been looking at a movie while laying down, she used the remote to eject the tape. Rusty ejected the tape, then turned the VCR and TV off. The house guest had been watching one of her porn videos. She left the room and continued on to get her cool drink. She needed it more now than when she had first left her bedroom. When daylight came, Rusty showered and put on a pair of shorts that came to her knees. She wore a white t-shirt and sandles. When she entered the kitchen, she said morning to her mother and their house guest. Her mother was at the stove frying bacon. Salena was looking at a newspaper.
"I'm going to the beauty parlor to get my hair done for tomorrow. I've started the bacon going. Give Salena some juice and toast. I'll see y'all when I get back." Nancy said taking off her apron. She washed her hands at the sink and dryed them on a paper towel. Salena didn't want eggs, so Rusty placed the bacon on paper towels to drain and put waffles in the toaster. When ready, she placed a platter of waffles and bacon on the table.
"I told your mother not go to any trouble with preparing breakfast for me. I'm dieting" Salena said looking at the crisp bacon. She was plump and wanted to lose a few pounds.
"Even with dieting, you should eat breakfast" Rusty said taking a bowl of grapes out of the fridge and putting it on the table in reach of the house guest. She thought Salena was on the list with Kirsty Alley and Queen Latifah, beautiful and curvy.
Salena had come to town to visit her mother but instead of surprising her parent, she got the surprise. Her mother had gone to Atlantic City for the weekend. Salena had planned on staying a while and look for work in her home town. After a neighbor had informed her about where her mother was, Salena called Nancy, her mother's best friend, who promptly sent Rusty to pick her up. She had arrived the previous evening, and not having money for a motel room, she had hoped that she would be invited to stay until her mother returned home. She didn't bother to even ask her sister who barely had space for her four kids. And being a good christian and friend, Nancy did invite her to stay. She had even offered up Rusty's room, saying her daughter could sleep on the sofa in her office. But Salena insisted on sleeping in the office. Her mother was expected back Sunday evening.
"Jobs are not too plentiful here. The textile company folded up. Anything in particular you're looking for?" Rusty asked spreading strawberry jam on a waffle. She put a couple slices of bacon atop it and folded it over. Salena ate grapes and tried not to focus on how good the bacon smelled. The dieter put the paper up higher to block the food from her vision.
"Mmmmm good. Are you sure you won't eat just a bit of this delicious breakfast with me. This bacon is so crisp, and the waffles are, mmmm" Rusty said licking her bottom lip. The paper had come down slightly, and Salena watched Rusty as she removed the jam from her lips with her tongue. Salena's leg twitched. Salena ate more grapes and tried to ignore how the woman sitting across from her made her feel. After finishing her breakfast, Rusty cleared the table. She washed her dishes and the skillet that the bacon was fryed in.
"I have a few things to do in the office. I'll not be long. Is there some place you need to go. I can take you."
"I don't need to go out. But if you have somewhere to go, please don't change your plans because of me."
"I don't have anything special planned for this weekend. So the only thing I'm going to do is watch a few movies and eat pizza" Rusty said with a slight grin that Salena noticed. She had not been asleep when Rusty came into the office. She had watched some of the porn video tape and tried to pleasure herself not long before Rusty had entered the room. Later when she woke, she returned the tape back to the video collection.
Rusty was in the office for no more than an hour. When she came out, she told Salena that she was done and wouldn't need the room anymore that day. She found that Salena had made two jugs of iced tea. Since she was dieting, Salena was glad to find something to drink other than the soda's that was in the fridge. As hot as it was, the two jugs probably wouldn't last long. The two women had sat on the screened-in back porch talking until Rusty's mother returned. Later that evening, after dinner, all three women sat out on the back porch where it was cooler. At about 11pm, they went inside and hoped the house temperature had cooled. It wasn't officially summer yet, but it felt like it.
Once again, Rusty put her top on and left the heat of her bedroom. She got a glass of iced tea and sat on the back porch until she couldn't take anymore insect bites. On the way back to her bedroom, she passed the office and again she saw the tv light. Tapping lightly and receiving no response, she eased the door open a bit. If Salena had fallen asleep, she would turn the tv off, thinking about wasting the utilities. Salena was awake and watching a movie. She had Rusty's headphones plugged into the tv. The scene on the screen were a man and woman having sex. Salena's gown was up to her waist and her right hand was between her legs. It was a much better scene than what was on the screen. Rusty's brain told her to give Salena privacy, but her body wouldn't move. Salena's hand was moving faster and faster, but she didn't release. Rusty again tapped on the door. But Salena couldn't hear with the headset on. The woman's hand stopped and she pulled the headset off her ears and tossed them in frustration.
"Can I help?" Rusty quietly asked. Salena jumped slightly.
"You can try" Salena said timidly. A surprised Rusty closed the door and went to her. She sat on the sheet-covered sofa beside her house guest. She started off by kissing Salena on the neck, and Salena sat quietly in the hot room that was heating up even more. The oscillating fan didn't help. When Rusty tried to kiss her lips, Salena turned her head. She didn't want to be made love to, she just wanted some physical release that she had not been able to give herself. Rusty's hand went softly over her chest, massaging the full breasts and mouthing the nipples until they were achingly hard. Then down and down went Rusty's hands, soft and gentle, exploring the woman's body while her lips lightly kissed Salena's neck and breasts. And finally, Rusty's hand's slipped inside the waistband of Salena's panties. The fingers were gently roaming over the unshaved mound.
Rusty said softly “open for me. I want to touch you.” Salena just sat there and didn’t open her legs. Rusty moved her hand softly along Salena's thigh's until the legs opened involuntarily. Rusty was sliding a finger up and down the slightly moist slit. But Rusty's lips, tongue and fingers were making the woman secrete more. She pulled the panties down anxious to follow the scent that lead to a treasure.
"Do you want me to stop?" Rusty asked, giving the woman an opportunity to say this was not what she wanted.
Salena sat there like a stone almost nonresponsive to Rusty's effort. Well, her brain may not have been responding. The bottom half of her body was beginning to respond to the kisses and fingers touching and searching. Salena's stomach jumped and she moaned.
"No, don't stop. It feels good." She wouldn't look at Rusty, but kept her eyes on the tv screen. When Rusty stopped caressing, Salena sighed audibly. Rusty stood, got a scented candle from a shelf, lit it, and returned to the waiting woman who had shut her legs. Rusty took the universal remote and turned off the tv and vcr. The erotic image wasn't helping to get the woman going, so she would see how long it took her to get her off. Rusty removed her clothes and stood for a moment so that Salena could see her nakedness in the flickering candle light, but Salena kept her eyes shut. Rusty straddled Salena's big right thigh. Rusty took Salena's hands and put them on her breasts. At first, Salena only held her hands there, but when she felt the nipples harden slightly under her palms, she began to slowly caress the handful of flesh. When a slight moan came from Rusty, Salena opened her eyes and saw eyes looking into hers. She wanted to lower her eyes but she found that she couldn't. There was patient understanding in the dark eyes. She felt the eyes more than saw them. But she remember how they had looked at her earlier. And how that look had made her feel. Feel.
Salena let her hands began to explore the soft neck and shoulders of the woman who sat and quietly looked at her. Rusty was trying to be calm and allow the inexperienced woman to relax and enjoy touching another woman for the first time. And she had no doubt that it was the first time for Salena. With Rusty on her thigh, Salena could feel the heat and wetness from the lean woman's center. She watched Rusty's face and her hands grew bolder feeling the reaction of the woman astride her. She's not close enough, flashed in Salena's head. She made herself not kiss the lips when Rusty licked her own bottom lip from right to left. Without even thinking, Salena lowered her head and took into her mouth a nipple that had hardened under her manipulation. The power she was feeling by arousing the female body gave Salena more courage to do what her own body was demanding. Laying back, she drew Rusty down with her. She marveled at how good the woman's breast felt against her own. In fact, the full weight of the woman on top of her was wonderful. But yet again, she turned her head when Rusty tried to kiss her.
Okay, thought Rusty, I'll give her what she wants. She moved her right leg snuggly between the chubby thighs and smiled when Salena gasped. Her hips started a slow rotation and she smirked when Salena moaned. Rusty flexed her thigh and Salena moaned louder. The hard thigh muscle pressing against her clit made Salena's hips rise, wanting to meet it again. Feeling herself getting wetter, and the heat moving inside her body made the woman on the bottom not care that someone was seeing her naked. She'd never felt comfortable with her body image, but for the first time, her body was so hot on the inside that she only wanted to feel more of that fire. With Rusty licking and sucking at her neck and breast, she almost lost all control of her own body. Her hands roamed on Rusty's back muscles liking the soft and hard body. Their hips began to gyrate faster and harder into each other's center. Both were moaning and sweating and climbing higher. Salena was surprised at how high she was climbing. Never had she felt this much heat, but she wanted to go closer and closer until it totally burned her to a crisp. She felt like the woman above would melt into her. When Rusty lifted her body, Salena grabbed her ass and pulled her down hard and wouldn't let go. Her moans got louder. Rusty pressed a shoulder against Salena's mouth to try to muffle the moans. The woman beneath her bit into her flesh and groaned through her release. Not until Rusty felt Salena get a little calmer did she pull herself from the tight embrace.
“I wanna fuck you” Rusty whispered into an ear, kissing it, then the neck as she slide downward. Salena, still in a daze, felt Rusty's wetness leaving a trail on her leg. Rusty pushed wide, the thighs of the still slightly shuddering woman. Lubing her fingers in Salena's wetness, she gently inserted two fingers into the moist opening. At first she was going slow just to give Salena a chance to say no. At each step, she gave the pretty woman a chance to stop. Salena's hips began to move when the throbbing between her legs took control. Rusty's fingers were moving in and out of the tight but welcoming pussy. Raising her head, Salena was looking at the hand that was giving her so much pleasure and then into the eyes of the women who had her body open for the first time in her life. She was surprised at how her body was responding to this woman's touch. Trying hard to hold back the moans that were escaping from her and unable to control the actions of her hips, she tightly gripped the sheet and clinched her teeth.
"OH GOD! OH GOD!" Salena cried out, unable to control the fire that was burning again and she shreiked when a thumb first touched her c-spot. Rusty grabbed a pillow for her to shout into. Rusty, kissing and tasting new flesh, was excited from being inside Salena. Never being so stimulated, Salena's was losing the inward battle to control herself. Once again Salena shuddered and groaned out her release. Not until Salena's grip ease did Rusty pull out. She moved up to lay beside the woman whose scent was intoxicating, but resisted the urge to taste the nectar on her fingers. Salena wouldn't kiss her, so she wouldn't taste her. She had to draw the line somewhere.
During their play, Salena had resisted the urge to kiss Rusty on the lips. She told herself, that this was for her body, because it had been a long time since anyone had touched her sexually. She laid back, satisfied, and breathed in the aroma of their combined scent. Rusty, beside her, was pinching and sucking on her breast. And Salena was pleasantly surprised that her body was again heating up. She had read about women having multiple orgasms and having sex for more than a few minutes. She decided she might as well see what all the talk was about because she had certainly enjoyed what Rusty had just did to her. If there was more, she would take this opportunity to get as much pleasure as she could from this handsome woman who seemed to enjoy her round body. Her stomach wasn't flat and her thighs were not thin. The only thing about her body that her soon-to-be ex-husband had no complaints about was her breast. Up till a few minutes ago, she had never understood the male fascination with breast. But now that she had actually held and mouthed another womans nipples it was pretty awesome. Unlike her usual self, she wasn't embarrassed about her body and rolled Rusty over onto her back and kissed her. OMG, she thought, this woman's mouth taste so good.
"You taste like bacon" she laughed. Rusty had recently eaten the last two pieces of bacon from the fridge, left over from breakfast. Rusty ran a finger tip across the woman's lips and Salena could smell herself on Rusty's hand. Rusty laid back and let Salena do whatever she wanted to her. Salena put her lips, tongue and hands all over the hot body that felt so good. She eased open the long legs wider, so that she had a better view of the moist pussy in the flickering candle light, Rusty let her explore until she needed more action.
“Rub my clit" Rusty whispered. She had held off her own release wanting to make sure Salena was satisfied. She opened herself to reveal more of the hard nub. Salena couldn't take her eyes from it. Then Salena had the urge to be inside Rusty, so she put one finger in the wet, hot opening. Salena wanted to see Rusty's eyes and see her finger go in and out. When Rusty said "harder" she did so and again felt powerful because of the reaction coming from the woman laid out before her. She stroked her fingers in and out faster and harder, and was amazed at the wetness and the scent. When Rusty tried to rub her clit, Salena pushed the hand away and used her mouth before Rusty knew what she intended. Rusty's moans were becoming groans and she was grinding her hips hard against the fingers and mouth that was giving her so much pleasure. Rusty held Salena's head and pumped her juice into that pretty mouth. Salena was eating her pussy and swollowing her kum.
"Gawd damn!" Rusty hissed pushing Salena over. She quickly got between Salena's legs and began sucking and licking the very wet pussy. She was so fucking hot, that she didn't even mind the unshaved coochie. Salena put a pillow over her mouth and screamed. But Rusty was just getting started with her. Rusty opened the big thighs wider and then climbed between them. She adjusted herself until their hard clits were touching.
"Oh gawd!" Salena said lifting her ass. What was this woman doing to her. She couldn't get enough of her. She had kum hard more than once and she was still wet and hot. Rusty was riding her and their hard clits were rubbing against each other. The hard clit rubbed on Salena's mound. When Salena arched up the two clits touched and made both women moan louder. They grinded together until the wetness and the heat became unbearable.
"Oh baby fuck me. Hmm, you feel so good Rusty. Fuck me harder!" groaned Salena.
"Easy woman. I don't wanna hurt you" Rusty panted, trying to keep a little control.
"Please fuck me harder, oh gawd I'm on fire.
"Please baby, let me be gentle" Rusty said looking at the woman beneath her. But when Salena pulled her head down kissing her hungrily, Rusty couldn't hold back any longer. With her arms locked straight, Rusty pushed down harded and grinded faster with her hips. The pleasure and pain was inseparable. The exquisite sensation took over their bodies. Salena grabbed Rusty's ass and pulled her down harder as she thrust upward.
"Oh gawd, baby, I'm gonna kum" Rusty grunted. She watched Salena's face for as long as she could, then her eyes shut tight. She wanted the sweet agony to never stop, but now that both women were out of control, their hips grinded and asses bucked and they gyrated together as kum seeped from both of them. The wetness and heat was more than either could stand. Rusty was trying to hold off, wanting to let go when Salena released. As the two women thrust against each other Salena finally stiffened. They both cried out when the fire in their loins blazed the hottest. Their blood felt on fire. Rusty thrusted hard one more time and held it until both crashed over the edge. Rusty collapsed. Salena didn't push her off her sweaty body, but clung to the woman who had taken her out of this realm. With her heart rate slowing, Rusty realised that Salena was crying. She lifted her still trembling body from the one shuddering beneath her.
"I'm sorry Salena. I was too rough. I didn't mean to hurt you." Rusty said and then said "damn!" when Salena cried harder and held her crotch.
"You didn't hurt me", Salena cried. "You felt so good on me. I've never did that before."
"Never did what?" Rusty asked turning on her side to face Salena. Her muscles were beginning to relax after that fabulous workout. And her breathing was slowing. Now that she knew she hadn't hurt the lushous body next to her, the tension uncoiled.
"I've never did that so hard before. And never with someone on me...inside me" Salena smiled. "Now I know what other women mean when they say they had great sex." As she spoke, she noticed that Rusty was looking from her eyes to her breast that was still rising and lowing faster than normal.
"You were married for five years and you ..."
"My marriage was a mistake. I feel like I wasted six years of Don's and my life. I never enjoyed sex with him. At the beginning, I faked it when he was inside me. And even when he used his hands on my private's it didn't do much to stimulate me."
"Your private's? Woman you were just groaning 'fuck me'. " Rusty smiled wiping sweat from her brow. The room was steaming and not just from the summer heat. Both bodies were sweaty and well satisfied. Their combined scents filled the room as a further reminder of the passion that only minutes before controlled them.
"Yes my privates. I know I'm not very worldly, Rusty. I got married because I wanted kids. I love Don, in a way, but I guess not in the way a wife should love her husband. Is sex with a woman always this good?"
"I've never had bad sex. Have you never given yourself relief?"
"I'm a Christian" replied Salena. Rusty snickered. "Actually, when I was a teenager, I had done it a couple of times to myself. My mother caught me and scolded me. So I stopped. You are so, so, not exactly girly pretty, but sort of more handsome. I hope you don't mine me saying that. I don't mean you look like a guy, but ..." Salena was saying before Rusty kissed her.
"Thank you. Well you're a fine looking woman yourself" Rusty smiled momentarily resisting the urge to kiss her again.
"People have told me I have a pretty face. Which means, my body isn't exactly what's considered pretty or sexy."
"Looks fine to me. Felt fine too." And this time Salena kissed Rusty, and was again amazed at how her body responded just from a kiss.
"Rusty, have you been with a lot of women?"
"What do you mean by a lot?"
"I suppose I want to know, how long have you been making love to women?" Salena asked and was steadily surprising herself at being so bold.
=== CHAPTER 2 ===
Nancy had left for Sunday School when Rusty went into the kitchen for something to eat and drink. Rusty had showered while Salena slept. Rusty waited until after her mother had left before going into the kitchen. She knew they had gotten loud while fucking in the heat, and she couldn't face her mother, who had probably heard them when she'd been in the kitchen before daybreak. After Rusty took a bowl of fruit and iced tea to her bedroom, she returned to her office and found that Salena wasn't there. The bathroom door was closed, so Rusty, tapped before entering and told Salena to come to her bedroom after she finished her shower. Salena held the curtain so that Rusty couldn't see her nude body. In the heat of passion, by candle light, she wasn't embarrassed about her body. Rusty had made her feel desirable. But now it was daylight, and she felt big. She was putting on a summer dress when Rusty came to the library.
"It's a pretty dress. But you don't need it yet. Put your robe on and come to my bedroom. I have some fruit ..."
"Um, Rusty, last night was special, but ..."
"Mom will be gone till after two. We got time for some more fun, but this time on my bed. Come on."
"I'm sorry Rusty, but I'm going to sit out on the back porch until your mother returns. I would leave but I don't have anywhere to go. Please know that I -- that last night ..."
"Why didn't you go to church with Mom?" Rusty asked.
"Other than not having the energy to? After what I - we did, I couldn't go to church and pretend like nothing happened. It's a sin for ..."
"Come on Baby, let's go sin some more. I want to fuck you in my bed" Rusty said now standing only an arms length away from the woman who had clawed her back and left marks. Good thing she didn't have long nails. She reached out and held one of Salena's hands.
The woman wanted to pull away but Rusty's touch did something to her. The tall woman stood close to her but only held her by the shoulders as she looked into Salena's eyes. The woman's breathing was becoming irregular as she returned Rusty's gaze. She could feel her nipples harden. She lifted her arms and Rusty raised the dress over her head and then hung it on a rack from the door. Salena let Rusty remove her bra and panties. She looked steadily at Rusty to see her reaction when she gazed upon her round body in day light. Rusty slowly looked her up and down, seeming to like what she saw, and Salena's eyes teared up. Her husband hadn't even attempted to make love to her in almost three years. On the last few occasions when he did have sex with her, he only did it in the dark, under the covers.
Rusty didn't say anything, she only put her arms around Salena. After a few moments, the tall woman tossed the robe over her shoulder, took Salena by a hand, and went to her bedroom. Salena slid Rusty's robe off and this time she was the one admiring the nude body before her. Rusty was at least three inches taller than her five-six frame. And Rusty was built like the female track runners she had seen on TV. Rusty turned slowly to let Salena view her tantalizing body. At 42, she had a body that some women in their 20's didn't have. Then she went to the disk player and pressed a button. A soft, Blues song played and they danced. Still conscious of her bigger body, Salena didn't move much but Rusty urged her on.
"Come on Baby, move those hips" Rusty said swaying hers slowly. Salena wasn't comfortable with that so she reached for Rusty and pulled her close. She wanted tofeel that body against hers. She kissed Rusty's lips without using her tongue and went slowly south. Rusty's breast was a bit more than a hand full. The nipples grew harder with her manipulation. It felt strangely wonderful how she could make this beautiful body react to her touch. When she couldn't go any lower without being on her knees, Rusty took each hand and once again they held each other.
"I want to taste you" Salena said. She couldn't stop what she was feeling or thinking and couldn't believe the words were coming from her. All her life she'd tried to do the right thing according to what she had been taught. She had wondered what was wrong with her because she couldn't respond to her husband's love-making. She had tried to get him to try a different position with her being on top, but he'd said no, he was the man and besides she was too big. She knew he had another woman, but she didn't care. Part of her still loved him, but not her body. Actually, until yesterday, when Rusty licked jam from her lips, she had never really felt hungrily aroused. To Salena's amazement, she had felt her clit jump. But she had not let herself dwell on why. With all the recent news coverage about equal rights for gays, such as marriage, did she focus briefly on there being another choice. But being a Christian, she did not allow herself to think on it for long. Except for a girl in grade school, that she stole glances at, she had never felt anything for another female. Now here she was, naked in a woman's bedroom, wanting a repeat of what had happened between them earlier. And on a Sunday. She suddenly laughed. Rusty, was behind her kissing her in the center of her back.
"Ah, now I know where your tickle spot is", Rusty said kissing there again. But Salena didn't laugh.
"That's not the spot. Actually, I was thinking about something else" Salena told her as Rusty stood tightly behind her. Rusty didn't have much hair on her mound and it felt good rubbing her butt against her there. Rusty's hands were cupping both of her breast. Not pinching or rubbing, just gently holding as she kissed behind the right ear. Salena moaned. What in heaven was this woman doing to her. She had been kissed there before by boyfriends and her husband, but never-ever felt this way. For a long time she had thought she was asexual. But now her body was on fire. She wanted to kiss and be kissed. She wanted to taste the fluid that came from Rusty's pussy. Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy. Salena laughed out loud.
"Woman, are you okay? You're kind of making me nervous" Rusty said turning Salena so that they were face to face. Salena touched her face gently kissing her forehead, each cheek, nose and finally lips. And with each kiss she said 'thank you'.
"Rusty, can we fuck again right now? I want to feel you on me and inside me. I want to be inside you. I want to taste your pussy juice" Salena said slowly because she wanted to hear each word that she said out loud. This time Rusty laughed and grabbed Salena by the ass and pulled her tighter to her.
"That's why we're in here. Church lets out at two, better get started. I'm gonna wear your pussy out" Rusty said putting her right thigh between Salena's legs. Looking into each other's eyes, they moved against each other feeling the heat and wetness until the want made them too weak to stand. Rusty backed to the bed and went down heavily with Salena on her. Salena looked embarrassed, but smiled when Rusty said she was going to bounce her ass all over that bed before her Mom came back. When Salena tried to move off of her thinking she was too heavy, Rusty simply said 'smother me baby', which made Salena relax some. As their heat built, Rusty rolled Salena over, and then over again. With Salena now laying belly down, Rusty laid atop Salena and grinded slowly on the phat buttocks -- first one and then the other. Then she moved her crouch all over Salena's back and even her shoulders.
"That feels so good" Salena moaned.
"I'm leaving my scent all over you. And everywhere you touch and anyone else touch, I was there. Oh, you feel so good" Rusty hissed really enjoying the curvy body beneath her. When she reached Salena's neck she pushed the hair away and gently put her crouch there. At first Salena was nervous because she couldn't move from the weight, but Rusty only pressed enough to wet her neck and then moved back down until she was once again parrallel on Salena. Rusty could smell herself on Salena's neck. Salena reached behind her and put her left hand between their bodies. Rusty lifted her hips to allow Salena to feel between her legs. Salena then put her wet fingers between her own legs and rubbed her clit.
"Rusty, I want to feel your pussy on mine" Salena panted. Rusty slid slowly from her body, laid on her back and opened her legs.
"Come get it. You made it hot and wet -- come fuck me."
"I'd rather be... you should be on top... you're lighter."
"Woman please, you're not that big. Just fuck me" Rusty said almost in a whisper. She needed to feel that hot woman on her again. Her clit was jumping with anticipation.
When Salena manuvered so that they their mounds were touching, they both inhaled. Salena was trying her best not to put her full weight down, but Rusty was urging her down by licking between her breast. She wanted to feel Rusty's mouth around her nipples. And when the mouth released her breast, Salena leaned in enough to lick Rusty's breasts. She marveled at how the breast before her felt under her palms. Then suddenly Rusty lifted her hips and thrust up hard. They were moaning and grinding against each other harder and harder. Salena sat up straighter no longer using her arms to help support her weight. The woman beneath her didn't seem to mind that she was heavy. She couldn't believe that the beautiful/handsome woman beneath her wanted her so badly. As Rusty lifted her up and down, Salena felt like she was actually riding the well toned body beneath her. Rusty was hard and soft in places. It was exciting just to watch the muscles of the lithe body. The sensations going through her body was almost as good as when Rusty rode her earlier.
The room was stifling without the central air and she was sweating but Rusty just wiped the sweat from her face and rubbed it over her breast and torso. Rusty's eyes were glassy and the moans were getting louder. That just made Salena hotter knowing that she could elicit such sounds from her. When Rusty's eyes closed tighter and her hips pushed upward three times fast, held, and then collapsed, Salena thought that was one of the most sensuous things she had ever seen -- the face of a woman climaxing. It took a bit for Rusty to get her breath as her body kept shuddering. Salena was surprised when Rusty swiftly moved from under and climbed on her. Darn, she's strong, the bigger woman thought. They passionately kissed and this time their tongues played longer. The woman on the bottom savoring the taste of the mouth on hers. Once again Salena moved her hands on Rusty's back and felt the muscles and sleekness giving her so much pleasure. She'd never thought she would ever feel this passion, this animal lust -- no, human lust -- and certainly not with a woman. Her brain clicked off again because the sensations radiation all over her body was in control. She couldn't stop now even if she had wanted to -- and she didn't want to ever stop. When she lifted her hips a little, Rusty stopped sucking on her neck and looked into her eyes.
"I love you. Thank you. Now please fuck me -- ride me hard." Salena didn't turn away as she said those words, which were no longer shocking to her own ears.
This woman grinding, nippling and kissing her had released years and years of feelings that she didn know she had. She did love this woman, and the body, and the sex and taste and everything about her. She was past caring if this meant she was a lesbian. She would enjoy this and worry about that later. But she didn't think it would be a worry. Now that she was experiencing joyful sex, she didn't care who was giving it to her. And Rusty was enjoying being with her. With her two boyfriends and even her husband, she had felt no where near what she was experiencing with this woman.
Her husband gradually lost interest because he couldn't get her to respond to his lovemaking. She realized now, that he wanted her to moan and need him inside of her. But she never gave him that. Now that she knew how exciting sex could actually be, she hoped he was with someone who made him feel good.
And then her brain clicked off again when she groaned. Rusty had slid down her body and was doing wonderful things to her clit with her tongue. And then she felf fingers enter her and the sensation was too much to contain when that extra special spot was caressed.. Her body no longer needed a brain. When she was conscious of her surroundings again, Rusty's head was on her shoulder but still inside of her. After a brief time of just enjoying the closeness, Salena whispered that she wanted to taste her pussy. So Rusty moved so that she could straddle Salena's face. Salena looked upon Rusty's pussy seeing it much better than she had by flickering candle light. She kissed the lips several times before even using her tongue. When she did lick and lick and lick, Rusty's moans came more often. Salena spread Rusty's pussy lips and marveled at the pinkness, the smell and at how touching Rusty anywhere was very exciting.
At first she studied some more, the first pussy she had ever seen and then had to taste it. She took a taste which made her want more and she started to lick and suck faster and harder. And she could feel the same thing being done to her hot wet pussy. She put onetwothree fingers into Rusty's opening and continued working the clit with her mouth. When Rusty pulled on her pussy lips with her mouth, she did the same to Rusty. After they both came harder in each others mouth, Salena moved so that they were face to face and could see into each others eyes. They kissed, caressed and Salena finally had Rusty above her again. This was their favorite position. Salena liked it better with Rusty on top because then she could relax and enjoy it without worrying if she was too heavy. The handsome woman above her never made her feel too big and seemed to like looking at her jiggle in places.
"Oh sweet stuff -- give it to me." Rusty panted and grinded.
"Ohhh gawddddd, I can't stand it ... Oooo this feels soooo.... good" Salena hissed raising her hips and almost tossing Rusty off. All of her inhibitions were gone. She didn't try to hold herself in check in any kind of way. "Ride me Rusty ... fuck me baby ... do me!" Salena's body was thrashing so hard the bed was squeeking, both women were groaning, grinding, moaning and grunting for more.
"OOOooo yeah, sweet thang I'm gonna kum. Are you ready?" Rusty asked between hisses and groans. Salena couldn't talk anymore. All she wanted was to let the fire in her blood consume her. The heat radiated in her chest, nipples and then when she could no longer contain the fire she gave up trying and let it melt her. And as Rusty felt her orgasm, she also let herself release. But their bodies involuntarily sort more and continued to move into each other. A tiny shreik escaped when Rusty sucked a nipple and squeezed her butt cheeks. Salena pulled Rusty's head up and sucked a salivating tongue into her mouth. Rusty, still grinding suddenly growled and began to pound her mound against Salena's hairy mound. Salena held her tighter as their sweaty bodies finally began to slow down. They both wanted more but were exhausted. The room was filled with their scent. Rusty kissed Salena gently and slowly. It was the most sensual kiss that Salena had ever had. Then Rusty slid off Salena and they fell asleep with Rusty laying with only a leg drapped over Salena's leg. It was too hot to curl up together but they felt very connected. And that's the way they were when Rusty's mother came into her room.
"Rusty, Rusty!" Nancy whispered shaking her daughter's shoulder. Rusty raised up and that woke up Salena who quickly tried to cover herself but the bedcovers were on the floor, so she used a pillow.
"Damn Mom, you could have knocked", Rusty said with aggrievation. Even with the window open and the fan going the sex scent was still in the air.
"It's Sunday, don't cuss. Salena your mother is here" Nancy whispered.
"What! My mother! But she wasn't expected back until later" Salena whispered in panic.
"Is she here in this house or at home? Calm down Baby" Rusty yarned. "Mom will you please either leave or give Salena her robe."
"Maria is in the livingroom waiting to see you Salena. She came back a little early, her neighbor told her you were here and she came to pick you up. I don't know how you are going to explain this to her" Nancy said reaching Salena a robe. She rolled her eyes at Rusty before moving toward the door.
"Mom, tell her Salena was taking a nap. Tell her I went jogging and that Salena will be out in a few minutes. Close the hall curtain and then she can't see down here."
"I will not. I just came from church and you want me to lie to my best friend to cover-up for you two .... Salena you need a shower and Rusty you stay quiet. I don't want to lose my best friend because of you two." She went down the hall and closed the curtain.
"Will you come for dinner tomorrow or maybe we can go out to a movie?" Rusty whispered trying to kiss Salena. But the other woman was anxious to get a quick shower, dress and go see her mother.
"Let me go Rusty. I have to, now don't be like that -- we had fun but I..."
"Okay. You had a weekend fuck and now you'll go back to being normal" Rusty said a little louder than a whisper. When she said the word normal, she used her hands to make the quote gesture. It registered that her mother had turned the TV in the living room on and it was rather loud.
"Rusty, don't be mad. I meant it when I said I love you. You've shown me that it is possible for me to feel like a total woman ... a sexual being. I've never felt that before. I'll call you later okay?"
"Right." Rusty sat on the bed and watched Salena sneak out the door closing it behind her. She crawled up to the center of the bed and laid on top of the sheet damp from sweat. She put a t-shirt over her torso but didn't put it on. She was dozing off again when her mother came back into her room.
"They've gone. Rusty what were you thinking laying up with my best friends daughter? She was a guest in my home and you -- you -- seduced her. If Maria ever found out, she'll probably never speak to me again after cussing both of us out" Nancy scolded.
Rusty didn't reply. She put the t-shirt on and went to take a shower. When she went back into her room wearing only a towel, she stripped the bed, put on clean sheets and laid down again. She was tired from the two sexual romps she had performed with Salena. Yeah, she admitted to herself that she should not have had sex with Salena. But damn, the woman was too fine to not at least attempt to get with her. Actually, she didn't think Salena would respond the way that she did. She had expected her to maybe say 'get out' and look embarrassed. Rusty knew when a woman wanted her and Salena had wanted her. But other woman had wanted her but wouldn't allow themselves to have her. Oh well, no harm really done. So her mother found them naked together. At least Salena's mother didn't know about them. Rusty stayed in her room until dinner time and then went into the kitchen.
"This is my home too Ma. I'm grown. And so is Salena."
"Salena is married. That's adultery."
"I know you are not going to talk to me about something that excludes me."
"You know you're wrong Rusty. I don't interfere in your personal life but you didn't think about how this could affect my relationship with Maria. You have plenty of women calling you. So why did you have to be with my best friends daughter? And you knew what time I would be home from church, but you were still laying up naked like you wanted to be caught. Why did..."
"I'm sorry you walked in on us. We fell asleep. And you could have knocked."
"I did knock but obviously you didn't hear me. I had checked your office and saw Salena's wasn't there. I only intended to ask where she had gone. And when you didn't answer when I knocked .... What is wrong with you. Do you have to try to get into every woman's pants that you see? You know people are talking about you."
"So let'em talk. They're just jealous. Salena is getting a divorce."
"Maybe so, but she's still married. Don't you care about anything or anybody? You stopped going to church. All you do is go to work, the gym and out with different women. And I suppose some of them are also married."
"What of it?"
"It's adultery."
"Mom damn it. Sorry, I know you don't like for me to cuss. But, don't talk to me about honoring something that excludes me. I can't legally get married, so why should I care about a piece of paper ..."
"Rusty, you were raised better than this ..."
"Better than what? What! I have sex with women so I'm an abomination. I had sex with Salena, a married woman, so what? The next time y'all vote against me being able to legally get married, maybe you should think about that if I could, then maybe I wouldn't have sex with a married woman -- except mine."
"I didn't vote for the State Constitution to be changed Rusty and you know that. Is that why you have sex with married women, because you can't get legally married? That's no..."
"I'm not hungry" Rusty said leaving the kitchen. Two days passed, but Salena did not call. However, her mother came by and she was angry. It was late Tuesday afternoon and Maria came there straight from work.
"Where is that ... that daughter of yours?" Maria said without even saying hello.
"She's in the back. What's wrong?" Nancy asked already knowing the answer. Maria went straight through and out onto the back deck.
"I want to talk to you" she said and stepped back inside. Oh shit, thought Rusty getting up slowly.
"Did you have sex with Salena?" Maria asked. And when Rusty didn't answer she said "A rumor is going around that you and Salena had sex. Somebody said they heard you through the open window. And I'm inclined to believe it because I know that your air-conditioner is broken and you keep your windows open. And also the way Salena has been acting around the house since leaving here."
"No we didn't have sex ..." Rusty was saying before she was slapped across the face. Rusty's eyes flashed and her jaw tightened. Maria took a couple of steps back and Nancy stepped between them.
"You two calm down. It's too hot for this nonsense. Maria you should know better than to listen to rumors."
"Your...she ain't right. Your daughter ain't right. Messing with women all the time. Messing with my daughter. Why did you leave Salena alone with her -- you know how she is around women?"
"Now wait just a minute Maria. I know you're upset but Rusty is my daughter and I won't stand here and let you talk about her that way."
"Your precious daughter is a tramp. She's always in some woman's pants. You can pretend that you don't care but I know that you are ashamed of her. She's ..."
"You'd better go home Maria."
"She's a tramp. Salena's ain't acting right since she..."
"What's wrong with her? I fucked her so hard that she can't sit down?" Rusty said with a smirk. This time it was Nancy who hit her. The smack landed on the back of her neck. What Nancy saw in her daughter's eyes scared her.
"Tell Salena she can come see me and I'll make her feel even better. I've got ...
"Maria I'm so sorry. Please forgive her. She's angry. We're all upset."
"What the fu... what do you have to be upset about? I'm the one who should be upset. Your so called friend comes into my house and calls me a tramp and hits me. Yeah, I had sex with Salena and she loved it. And it was so good that she said she loved me. And now if you two ladies will excuse me" Rusty said walking away. She went into her bedroom and closed the door quietly.
The two mothers looked at each other realizing that things had gotten way out of hand. Neither of them spoke as Maria left. Nancy waited an hour before she knocked on Rusty's door but didn't receive a reply. Three more days passed, and each day Rusty went to work and didn't come home until late. She didn't speak to her mother. When Nancy came home from work on Friday, she waited as she usually did for the angry storm to pass. Once again, she ate dinner alone. When Rusty hadn't come in by ten o'clock, she went to her daughter's room and it felt empty just as the rest of the house had since she had returned from work. On inspection, she found most of Rusty's clothes gone from the closet. Not that there were many things to begin with. Opening each drawer, she found the underwear drawer empty, and half the collection of socks were gone. Later that night, when she pulled the spread back on her bed, Nancy found an envelope under her pillow. The envelope contained $50 dollar bills that amounted to $1000 dollars. Also in the envelope were blank checks already signed. Nancy's heart sank. She cried.
=== CHAPTER 3 ===
Three weeks passed. On a hot Sunday afternoon, Nancy returned from church and found Rusty in the kitchen eating a microwave dinner. Nancy was so glad to see her but didn't say anything. There was no Sunday dinner prepared which was unusual, but not for the time that Rusty had been gone. Nancy didn't see the need to cook since her always hungry daughter wasn't there to eat it. It had taken something out of her, not having Rusty with her. The house felt so empty, even when relatives stopped by. For a couple of weeks after Rusty had left, Nancy ignored the neighborhood gossip about her daughter and Salena. She went to work and church on Sundays and kept her head up, refusing to let this latest bit of nasty talk make her angry. At first, she had been angry at Rusty for messing with Salena, but now it just seemed so stupid, the reaction from different people. No matter what Maria had said, she was not ashamed of Rusty. She had accepted a long time ago, that Rusty wasn't going to change. And she saw no reason that she had to, because she knew her daughter. Rusty was a good woman.
At the beginning, she had thought more about her relationship with Maria, than about Rusty and Salena. They were two grown women and it was no body elses business that they had been together. Nancy had spent many years without a man in her bed after her husband had died. She knew the loneliness and ache that came harder at night, when she had no one to hold her close, to love her. It was not so surprising to Nancy when Rusty started dating girls, because since she was little, Rusty had this -- something different -- about her. When younger, Rusty had been an athletic loner and only when she got a girlfriend did she really start to blossom. The first relationship didn't last long, but Rusty always seemed to have a girl, but she didn't bring anybody home, except for one.
Josephine was a college senior when Rusty was eighteen, and they met while both were jogging at the school track. They became lover's and Rusty fell in love. They were together for three years, but one day Rusty's heart was crushed when Josephine was killed in a car accident. Since that time, Rusty never let herself get too emotionally involved with the women she dated. She went from woman to woman, many were just one-night/or week-end flings. She had wanted to marry Josephine but of course back then, it was unheard of for a gay couple to marry. Back then, most gay relationships were kept secret. Even when gay couples lived together, it was whispered about, but not talked about openly like they were real people.
Over the years, there were more public awareness of homosexually because it had become a political issue. For Rusty, it didn't change much about how she lived her life. She knew that in her backwards State of Virginia, gay marriage would not be legally allowed. And she had nobody that she wanted to marry anyway. Salena was the first married woman she had been with as far as she knew. When she was younger, she had sex with which ever woman would let her. Not until she start maturing mentally did she put limits on herself and who she would allow to have her. She had made it a point to inquire if the woman she was about to bed was married -- and didn't specify to a man or woman. When the answer was no, she carried on, had a good time and was gone.
It wasn't the legal manmade document that had kept her from pursuing married women, but that Commandment written on stone. Even though she no longer went to church, she still believed in God. The three weeks she was gone, Rusty just drove from place to place, not really with a destination in mind. She just needed to get away, so travelled in her truck. Rusty had passed up the chance to bed several women. The factory where she worked was about to start seasonal production again. She was missing her mother. Yeah, she was a momma's girl, so she returned home.
"You hair is down" Nancy said returning to the kitchen. She had changed from her church clothes to a comfortable dress. Rusty had taken off the scarf she had been wearing when her mother first came from church. The tall daughter had put some dirty clothes in the washing machine and was eating ice cream from a cone.
"It was less hassle to wear a scarf or cap" Rusty replied. Mother and daughter sat at the kitchen table with Nancy openly staring at Rusty.
"What?" she asked putting the last bit of cone in her mouth.
"There's something different about you."
"Mom, you've seen my hair down and longer than this."
"It's not just your hair. Did something happen while you were gone? Where have you been?"
"A lot of places and nowhere. And nothing happened. It was just time for me to come back home."
"I'm glad that you still think of this as home Rusty. Honey, I want you to know that I've never been ashamed of you."
"Well, at first, when it became obvious to others that you're -- well, I wasn't exactly ashamed as more, I would say, well you're my baby and I kinda knew probably before you did. Sometimes people can be cruel and I never wanted you hurt by what people said about you or to you."
"I love you too Mom", Rusty said standing and surprised her mother with a kiss and hug. "Um, how are things between you and Maria?" Rusty had been angry and let some nasty comments sprew from her mouth in front of her elders. After she had calmed down, she felt bad that things had happened the way that it had, but she still felt Maria was wrong to yell and hit her and say nasty things about her. She always knew that Maria didn't really like her, but tolerated her because she was Nancy's daughter.
"Salena went back to Maryland but she came back last week because her grandmother passed" Nancy informed Rusty. She noticed that her daughter's eyes flashed for an instant, but Rusty made no inquiry.
=== CHAPTER 4 ===
"Hey girl. I heard you were back. How are you, you look great?" said a neighbor who lived three doors left of Rusty. They were at the mail boxes.
"I'm good, how are you?" Rusty asked a little surprised that the woman was speaking to her. They had been neighbors for over five years and had never spoken to each other. When the neighbor had first moved into the trailer park, she would throw up her hand at Rusty. But soon after hearing that Rusty was gay, she did not acknowlege Rusty. It didn't disturb Rusty any, she had learned to not let other people's hang-ups get to her. Rusty was friendly when allowed to be, but she never tried to initiate friendships. Most women she met for the first time usually liked her, and even if they didn't like being around anybody they knew was gay, they accepted her. But a few women made it very obvious how they felt about her. Not about her really, because they didn't know her, but about her 'lifestyle'. Rusty smiled when she thought 'lifestyle'. Except for who she sexed, her lifestyle wasn't very different from any other woman in the court. That fact that she wasn't sexing men, made her very different in some people's limited view.
School was out, so kids were playing and people were coming in from work. Several people waved at her as they passed. One guy pulled over, got out and kissed Rusty on the lips. They passed a few words that ended with him inviting her to a party at his house. On Saturday, Rusty went to the party and met people she hadn't seen in months. A couple of women that she had fucked was there but ignored her, pretending that they thought she was disgusting. To make them squirm, Rusty walked up to them talking in their little group of four, but didn't even say hello. She kissed her friend Robin on the cheek said 'happy birthday' and gave her a gift. Robin was the live-in girlfriend of the guy who had invited Rusty to the party.
"Hey Rusty, dance with me" said a guy wearing glasses. He was shorter than Rusty and had always had a crush on her from grade school. When Rusty agreed, he quickly put on a cd and held Rusty close when a slow song started. He never cared how Rusty wore her hair, that she was taller than him, or liked girls. He like her and she never treated him badly like some of the other kids did. He was a bit slower than the other's but Rusty never made fun of him or ignored him when he tried to talk to her. Over the years, several classmates still hung-out occasionally together. Rusty noticed a sudden quietness in the room and looked around to find that the focus was on her and the woman who just entered. Salena. Rusty looked at the guy who had invited her, but he only hunched his shoulders and shook his head. Salena's first reaction was to leave, but she felt like a coward, so she went on inside and gave Robin a gift. All eyes were on Rusty and Salena. Rusty kissed Roger on the cheek and said she needed some air.
"I want a dance too Rusty" said a tall guy. He was arrogantly good-looking. As they danced, he held her close enough for her to feel the strength of his hard body. He was whispering in her ear when his girfriend walked in.
"I don't know what you see in her Randy. She's too much like another guy. So I guess, I don't really have anything to worry about, cause you show ain't getting no suck from her, she don't like cock at least not real ones" said the girlfriend. Randy could feel Rusty's body tighten up, but he didn't release her. He liked how she felt in his arms. Damn, why did his girl have to come in now and mouth off. The only thing her mouth was good for was sucking.
"What is this a dyke party" the woman said looking at Salena. Everyone present had heard the gossip about Rusty and Salena and they each had talked about it at one time but that was old news. While they all wanted to see how Rusty and Salena would act toward each other now, they didn't want the woman to start trouble and break up the party. They didn't often get together with the different job hours and family responsiblities, so they wanted to just have a good time. "Somebody should have warned you about Rusty before you stayed at her house. She loves licking pussy. If you want, I can set you up with a guy with a big dick. He'll remind you what a REAL dick feels like" the girlfriend said to Salena. The crowd took a collective sigh. Shit. She was going to break up the party. "Why are you wasting your time dancing with her Randy. Her body is just as hard as yours. Look at her, she looks like a man."
Rusty turned to Randy, put a hand on his chest and slowly kissed him. The room was quiet, someone had turned off the disk player. All eyes were glued to the two kissers, who, to unknowing eyes, could have been lovers. It was a closed mouth kiss because Randy knew Rusty was only doing it to get at his girlfriend. He didn't care. Her lips felt good against his and he knew if his tongue even brushed her lips, she would move away from him. He resisted the urge to pull her closer. When she finally ended the kiss, he audibly moaned. She looked into his eyes, kissed both sides of his face close to his lips and turned to walk away.
"Take care of this for me" Rusty said walking pass the woman and following Salena out the door. Randy was trying not to grin and didn't try to hide his erection. Damn she fine, he thought. Later when his girl was sucking him off, he was thinking about Rusty.
"Salena" Rusty said walking faster to catch her before the other woman got into the car. Salena had borrowed her mother's car, not wanting to ask anyone to drop her off when the party ended. Or have to call her mother for a ride if she wanted to leave before the party ended. Now she was so glad that she had brought the car. But even if she would have had to walk, she was going. A few party-goers were outside talking by post and moon light. They pretended to talk but their voices became lower and lower as they watched the scene before them. Rusty reached the car just as Salena opened the driver's door.
"Baby" Rusty said softly. But because of the stillness, some listeners heard it. Salena turned toward Rusty and waited. They looked at each other until Rusty boldly stepped to her, and gently kissed her on the right cheek. When Salena didn't push her away, she kissed her lips and instantly felt a welcoming response. Salena was kissing her back not caring who was watching. Some of the party-goers had come outside and stood watching the two women kissing in the moonlight. Some of the women were whispering to show their disapproval, but the men liked what they saw.
"Break it up you two, stop giving the guys a free show" Robin said suddenly close to them. Rusty opened the car door for Salena, kissed Robin on the cheek and then got into the passenger side of the car. Maria wouldn't like it, but Maria wasn't there.
"I'm sorry about your grandmother. I met her once when I dropped Mom off at a evening church service. I was going to send flowers but I didn't know if you would want them from us."
"I didn't really want to go to that party but mom thought it would be away for me to meet some people and make friends. She knows Robins mother. I didn't know you would be there."
"No doubt she meant male friends."
"No doubt."
"Is that why you went, to meet men?"
"You and I both know that's not my interest anymore, if it every really was" Salena said not taking her eyes from the road. She continued pass the turn to Rusty's house that was in another court. Rusty had walked to the party.
"Are you taking me home to meet your mother?"
"No. I'm taking you to a motel. How much money do you have on you?"
"Um, not much. Wasn't expecting to need any. Let's go to my place, we can talk there."
"Damn, I don't have enough money on me."
"Just go down a little more then take the next left. It's a quiet street, you can park so that we can talk."
"Do you use ATM."
"Salena. Pull over." Salena parked the car where there wasn't a street light. There was no traffic and the houses were not close to them. Salena slid over a litle and ran her left hand along Rusty's left leg.
"Damn woman, don't do that. I didn't tell you to pull over so that we could fool around. We need to talk."
"Go ahead and talk, I'm listening" Salena said trying to get closer to Rusty's neck.
"Salena. Salena stop" Rusty said sternly moving herself against the door.
"What? You wanted me a few minutes ago."
"It's been weeks since we've seen each other. I want to talk to you."
"Talk? Talk about what? I've heard about you. You fuck and leave women all the time. In a couple of days I'll be gone, but until then, there's no reason that we can't fuck each other." Rusty sort of laughed and shook her head.
"You fucked me so good and made me scream Rusty. You knew the gawdam window was open. You knew we could be heard. And a while ago, you kissed that guy just to make his girlfriend mad. You felt him get aroused yet you continued with everyone watching. And outside, you had to display how you could get me in front of those people. And now you want to talk to me. Well I don't want to talk, I want a good fuck before I leave."
"You've gotten a dirty mouth."
"What else can it be after what you had me doing with it?"
"So because you had sex with me you think you're dirty?" Rusty asked and Salena heard the pain in her voice.
"You get some kind of thrill out of people seeing and knowing what you do. Yes, I felt dirty when the gossip started about us. My mother barely looked at me for two days. A couple of guys made filthty comments when they saw me. And where were you? Probably out fucking every woman that would let you. And I have no doubt that ..."
"First your mother and now you calling me a tramp. Why is it that a man can have sex with a hundred women and he's a stud but a woman has to be a tramp?"
"A hundred women! Have you fucked a hundred women?"
"Salena will you please not say fuck anymore tonight?" Salena didn't say it and they didn't do it. Rusty told Salena to move closer so that she could put her arms around her. When she rested her head on Rusty's shoulder, the anger subsided.
"I only talk like that around you" Salena whispered. They sat that way for about half an hour. Salena drove Rusty home and they briefly kissed good night, after agreeing to have dinner together the next evening. /E\
ReplyDeleteAug 1: Thank you soussurvivor. I'm glad that you like the story. I'll try to post the next installment next week.
ReplyDeleteArianna R. Thank you. Your babe should thank me for getting you started. :) This was the first story I posted on SPT. I wanted to get readers attention and hopefully heat up some women. (wink) I just start typing and the story takes over. Sometimes I don't know where it's going or how it will end. It started out to be only a short story about Rusty and Salena in one chapter but it kept growing. A web-friend wanted Rusty and Salena to be together but the story wouldn't stop until it was ready to. :)