or cut the leash
and set this unhappy child free
i can't bow to you
i've been on my knees before herturn me loose
or send me the golden chariot
i am ready
believing was essential
started with so much potential
now it's bottomed out
became inconsequential
i couldn't wait anymore
i crashed -- burned -- rolled on the floor
so much power -- so much heat
the scent intoxicating
the kiss sweet
i won't go back to being alone
drop me
or raise me to your throne
release me give me peace
NOTE: I was baptized young, went to Church and believed. Everything was fine with me until I was a teenager. I wasn't interested in boys romantically, but when I started thinking about my future, I didn't see a man or children in it. I wanted to be like everybody else, and prayed. God answers prayers, we are taught, so I waited and no 'change' came. So I accepted that I was alright or He would have changed me.
You are the beautiful person that God made you to be!