Stella rang the doorbell and wiped her sweating palms on the sides of her pants. It was a Fall day and the temperature was mild but she was nervous. She had been calling Agnes for four days and each time her mother said she couldn't come to the phone. Agnes had not been seen in those four days and Stella thought something was seriously wrong because Agnes rarely missed classes.
It was her best friends mother who answered the door. Stella asked if she could see Agnes and when she received a no, she asked if Agnes was sick and the reply was no. The screen door remained closed and on the other side, her friends mother looked at her sternly. She wondered why since she had been to the house before.
"Let her in mother" Agnes said from a short distance behind her mother. The older woman stood firmly and for several moments Stella thought she was about to have the door closed in her face. The screen door was unlocked and the woman walked slowly backward until she was standing next to her daughter.
"Hi Aggie. I was worried about you. Have you been sick?" Stella asked as she entered the house and walked closer to her friend.
"Mother, will you give me a few moments to talk to Stella in private?"
"I think it will be better if I stayed. We have things to do and ..."
"Just a few minutes, please mother" said the young woman.
Agnes looked at her friend closely and saw that she looked tired and her eyes were red and puffy. Her breath caught and she took a step forward. The mother took her daughter's arm and slightly shook it. Stella who knew her friend's face and moods well, was suddenly angry because she saw a flash of defiance in Agnes' eyes. The mother went out of the living room to the kitchen. The two young women had no doubt that she was standing on the other side of the door, listening.
"What's wrong Aggie?" Stella asked nervously. Her friend was standing right in front of her, yet, she felt they were miles a part. When she took a step closer, Agnes took a step back.
"I haven't been feeling well" Agnes said.
"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't your mother tell me that when I called? I've been calling for days. Rita and Bruce have been asking me about you and ..." Stella was saying and suddenly stopped because Agnes was clinching her hands and jaw so tight.
"Baby" Stella said softly and with a couple of steps were within arms length of Agnes whose shoulders were shaking as she tried to hold back her tears. Stella opened her arms and Agnes stepped into them. Stella was trying to stay calm and give Agnes time to calm down so they could talk. She made herself breath and not hold Agnes too tight. She fought the crazy urge to guide her weeping friend to the door and out of the house. At least a minute ticked with them just standing there, then the mother came back into the room.
"Get away from her" the woman said angrily and loud. But instead of releasing Agnes, Stella held her closer with the instinct of protecting her. Suddenly her left arm was yanked and in surprise, Stella release Agnes and turned to fully face the mother. And what she saw was hatred. Now she knew some of what was going on.
"Mrs. Holiday I..."
"I want you out of my house right now. And you are to stay away from here, away from Agnes."
"I love her. I know you ..."
"You know nothing. Get out" the mother said and pushed Stella.
"That's enough mother. You don't have to treat her like that. I told you..."
"You told me it was over between you two. You told me that you would not see her again. She had her arms around you just now. That is disgusting. Look at how she is looking at you?"
"Mrs. Holiday I think you should calm down. You're getting over heated and ..."
"I'll not calm down until you are out of my house and out of my daughters life. Agnes was fine until she became friends with you. I know about girls like you. You dykes are all alike, turning good decent girls into trash like you are."
"What's trashy about love? I love her and she loves me" Stella said. She stood her ground as the mother poked her in the chest trying to force her toward the door.
"If you don't get out of my house right now I'll call the police and have you arrested for trespassing."
"You let me in. I came to see about Agnes and you ..."
"Agnes is no longer your concern."
"She is all my concern. I know it's hard for you to understand but I love Agnes and she loves me. We are going..."
"She doesn't love you. She told me so just a little before you came here. Go ahead and tell her what you told me Agnes so she will leave us alone."
Stella was steeling herself to remain still and silent. Her eyes was locked on the eyes of the woman she had fallen in love with and wanted to share the rest of her life with. Agnes would not look at her. The mother kept repeating that Agnes did not love her.
"Agnes, baby I love you. Tell her that you love me. You don't have to stay here. Come with me."
"She doesn't love you. How you talk such non-sense. Agnes isn't going anywhere with the likes of you. She is getting married next ..."
"Stella please leave. I will have to talk to you later. I promise to call you tonight and ..."
"You didn't tell her you were getting married did you. Don't looked so shocked. She's not like you. She is normal and will marry a man."
"Aggie?" was all that Stella could say as she looked at the young woman who would not look at her. Her throat suddenly went dry and she couldn't swallow.
"That's right. She's getting married and you are not invited so if you show up and try to make a scene, you will be arrested. Now get out of my house."
"Aggie please don't do this. Just a few days ago you told me you love me. Please baby, just come with me now."
"Ohhhh. You not only didn't know that she was getting married, you didn't know that ..."
"MOTHER NO!!!" Agnes begged with those two words.
"Agnes is pregnant. She is having a man's baby. That doesn't sound like she loves you to me."
Suddenly, for an instant, the room went dark and Stella's knees became weak. She swayed a little and as Agnes took a step toward her, the mother stepped between them. Stella stood there frozen in place. She couldn't move and she barely seemed to be breathing. Even the mother for a moment was concerned but it didn't last long. This was her chance to make sure that Stella stayed out of her daughter's life forever.
"You might think you're a man, but you're not. You can't love a woman like a man can. You can't give a woman babies the way a man can."
"Shut up mother! You don't have to do this. I told you I would not see Stella anymore. I just wanted to say goodbye to her. Don't be so cruel."
"Cruel. You think I'm being cruel? If people found out that you and her were -- kissing like she is a man..."
"She is not a man mother. That's insulting."
"When I think about her touching you -- it's not your fault Agnes. Girls like her are very persuasive. That's right, keep walking and don't ever come here again" the mother said as Stella went slowly pass her unsteadily, still dazed.
"Stella I'm sorry" Agnes said softly.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Those dykes are nasty, evil trash that use nice girls like you. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't put something in your drink or food so that you couldn't help yourself."
Stella, walking like a zombie suddenly stopped and turned to face the mother and daughter who was ripping her a part, one with words and the other with silence.
"Your so innocent, precious daughter came on to me. Go on and tell her how you sweet talked me. Tell her how it was you who made the first move on me, told me that you loved me. GO ON AGGIE TELL HER!! You stand there and let her say all that garbage about me when it was you. You! You said you loved me. And the whole time you were using me you were seeing some guy. What about what you told me about not wanting a guy to touch you, to kiss you? You're pregnant so he obviously did more than kiss you. Did you like having him inside you? Did you ..." Stella's voice slowly faded out.
She was exhausted as if she had been holding her breath underwater. She breathed through her mouth and her eyes started to focus. She stared at the woman who had just crushed her heart. She turned and walked out of the house. She walked slowly away and then her pace picked up and then she was running. Her vision became blurry and she wiped a hand across her eyes and noticed that she was crying. Tears seemed to anger her and she ran faster until she stumbled and fell hard to the ground. She laid there for a few moments, turned over and sat up slowly. Her right hand was skinned and so was her right knee under the torn pants. Her wounds from falling stung but it was nothing compared to the brutal beating her heart had taken a few minutes before. As she sat there, her stomach
began to grip as she thought about what she had just learned about the woman she loved. She threw up.
===== Back Story
Agnes, was twenty when she meet eighteen year-old Stella at community college. They had a sociology class together but didn't speak to each other. One day, Stella was walking home after her last class and it began to rain. She stopped at a store and waited under the roof hoping the spring shower wouldn't last long. Agnes came out of the store and offered her a ride home. On the way, there was a heavy down pour, so Agnes pulled into a parking lot to wait till the rain eased up so that she could see the road. They began to talk about their assignment. The next day, Agnes
offered Stella a ride home from college. A year later they were best friends who spent a lot of time together.
"What?" Stella said one late afternoon as she sat in her friend's kitchen. Exams were over and they both had did well. To celebrate, Agnes had opened a couple of 12 ounce bottles of lime coolers.
"Greg asked me out. I told him I had plans."
"We could have did this anytime" Stella said a bit happier because her friend didn't change their plans just to go out with a guy.
"I'd rather be here with you. I saw you talking with Marvin yesterday. Did he ask you out?"
"He said something about calling me but he hasn't yet."
"He's nice looking. Do you like him?"
"I don't really know him. We have algebra together."
The two friends went upstairs to Agnes' bedroom to watch a movie on HBO. They had missed it when it played at the theater and both wanted to see it. Several of the cable channels were out so Agnes clicked until they found something that was clear. They chatted about different things not paying much attention to the television. When Agnes didn't respond to a question, Stella glanced at the screen and saw two women kissing. She looked at her friend who seemed to be mezmerized by the scene. Stella went downstairs and was in the kitchen eating an apple when Agnes came up to her. Without saying a word, Agnes kissed Stella on the lips.
"Well?" said Agnes stepping backward.
"Well what?"
"What do you think about what I just did?"
"On what?"
"On whether you were kissing me or one of those girls on tv."
"I was kissing you."
"Why now? Why not before you saw them?"
"Did you like it, me kissing you I mean?"
"I didn't dislike it. But you didn't do it long enough for me to rate it" Stella smiled. Agnes kissed her again but this time slower and longer. Then they jumped away from each other when they heard the mother coming in from work.
And as easily as that they went from being best friends to girlfriends. They talked about their feelings for each other. They made out. They talked about not having feelings for guys. They both agreed that while it wasn't yucky to kiss a boy, they just didn't feel anything. But when they kissed each other they wanted to do more than kiss. It took three weeks before they became actual lovers.
They had come in from college and the house was empty. Agnes' parents were at work. They had watched a movie on demand that was for adults. Agnes had put on the one that had two women kissing . Agnes fastforwarded it to the scene where the women were undressing each other. Again, Stelly went down to the kitchen.
"Why don't you like watching that movie with me?" Agnes asked as she straddled Stella who was sitting on a kitchen chair.
"Why do you watch it so much? It's not a good story. They are not together at the end. One of them ends up with a guy. There are better stories on the movie channels that have two women together. And you only want to fool around with me after watching it."
"I just think those two look really good together. They look like that really like each other whereas most of the other women look bored. And I always want to fool around with you. I was just trying to set the mood, to get your worked up" Agnes said kissing Stella on the lips.
"You get me worked up. Do I get you worked up or do you need to watch them first?" Stella asked seriously looking into the eyes of the woman who made her heart race.
"Stella, I don't want to rush things with you. I want you to be sure that being with me is what you really want. You told me that when you were thirteen that you and another girl fooled around but it wasn't anything more than curiosity."
"Well, it was curiosity on her part but for me, well, I'm gay. I'm a lezbian."
"Me too. I started dating boys when I was sixteen. By the time I was eighteen I finally admitted to myself that I didn't want to be with boys when I met Freda. We were together for almost a year and then she moved out of state. I was doing fine alone until I met you."
"I never went out with a guy. Slow danced and pressed against a couple of them, you know, wanting to know what it felt like to be close to a body. But I just never felt that special attraction to them. I've kissed about three boys but it was much better kissing Evelyn, so I stopped kissing boys. And I like kissing you."
"You know we could be upstairs making out instead of sitting here talking."
"I like talking to you. And I like it when you straddle me. I'm happy right here" Stella said pressing her lips to the base of Agnes' neck.
Agnes wore a t-shirt that had a knot tied so that her brown stomach was exposed. Her shorts were midthigh. Stella had been moving her hands up and down those smooth thighs wanting to go higher but didn't want to trade the warm skin for cloth.
As they kissed, Stella put her arms around Agnes' back and held her tight until the knot became irritating. They went upstairs. Stella could barely breath because of the deep kisses Agnes was giving her. Agnes,
older and more experienced, tried to pace herself with Stella. After Frieda left, Agnes dated a girl for a week but it went nowhere. She had sex with a girl after a party but since then she had not been involved with a women. When she saw Stellashe liked her instantly and when she got the chance to be close to her at the store, she took advantage of her opportunity and now here they were on her bed with neither wearing tops or bras.
Agnes, knowing it would be Stella's first time wanted to be gentle as she tried to control her own passion. She watched Stella's face as she moved her hands over her warm soft body. She laid atop the young women as they kissed and touched.
"Stella?" was all that Agnes said as she held herself above her girlfriend's now nude magnificent form. "I want you so bad I ache." For a reply, Stella pulled Agnes' head down to her as their mouths met hungrily. From there they both knew there was no stopping until .... /END ?? (c)Salty2009
WELCOME to SPT. fiction, poetry, thoughts on current events, personal tidbits. WARNING: Adults only. WARNING: I will delete comments that are attacks on the LGBT community.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
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Hi SPT readers. I haven't posted anything new in several months. I don't want to post about political issues so until I'm inspired with something new or finish a story ....
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
The Agenda-Civil Rights
Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law
SPT Copyright
All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
I liked your story about Stella and Agnes. I have a few lesbian erotic books, but enjoy reading on line.
ReplyDeleteChristina from
Hi Christina. Thanks for stopping by SPT. I'm glad you found something of interest. Going on the assumption that you are an adult, at the sidebar under FICTION by Salty, are more of my stories. My Sweet Sophie is a bit more erotic and not a long story. Rusty is long but starts off with an erotic encounter. I read on-line lez fiction.