Alex, the wife of Wanda Sykes gave birth to twins, a girl & boy. Two babies were born healthy but not everyone is pleased. As usual, those who have so much hate/evilness in their stone hearts use this joyful event as an opportunity to take weak punches at the homosexual community. (read stupid comments here)
Exactly how does two women living together as lovers and raising their children become a threat to heterosexual families and marriage?
Heterosexuals who feel threatened don't explain why they feel threatened.
There are more sexualities than heterosexuality so why continue to pretend that there is only one and the rest is perversion.
The only excuse religious factions and heterosexuals who oppose homosexuality use to verbally and physically abuse people who don't conform to their sexual rules is that GOD doesn't approve. The truth is that man doesn't approve because when a homosexual's life is equal to a heterosexual life then the hetero has to question why someone who is biblically an abomination is doing as well or better than they are.
I can prove that I exist but not one person on this planet who oppose my life, can prove their GOD exist. Yet, I am suppose to restrict my life and be unhappy just so other people can believe in their GOD. If my life causes such disruption of a heterosexual's faith, then how strong was that faith to begin with?
I'm trying to be logical about what could be the real problem that some heterosexuals have with homosexuality. Is the heterosexual population shrinking leaving them with fewer heterosexuals to date and marry? I suppose they would rather be married to a homosexual person than not have anyone. Whereas I would rather be alone than ...
There doesn't seem to be a shortage of people, so if you can't find someone where you live, then go to places that have mostly heterosexuals and find a spouse. Heck, Madonna went to Africa because there doesn't seem to be enough kids in America to adopt.
If you are heterosexual and married to a homosexual and the marriage crumbles, then blame society for saying people should marry someone of the opposite gender but they don't have to love you just have sex with you as their marrital duties. Why blame homosexuals, we don't all marry the opposite gender. And why blame homosexuals who do marry heterosexuals because after all, society said it was the right thing to do.
If society stopped making life so hard for homosexuals, then heterosexuals wouldn't be spending so much of their life married to someone who doesn't really want them. That is not a problem I caused in your life -- that was instigated by heterosexual society.
Do you really think your wife will leave you if it became legal all over America for two women to marry each other? Do you think that if it became a legal for people to marry the same gender then more people will marry like it is a business and get the financial benefits that go with a legal joining?
Well heck (I'm trying to stop cussing), opposite gender couples are doing it so why not same gender couples. If marriage between opposite gender couples are going to continue to be formed like a business agreement, then it is just more discrimination that I can't marry someone of the same gender for financial benefits.
If heterosexuals still maintain that heterosexual coupling is about making babies and homosexual couples is about sex and neither has to do with the heart then what the FUCK does it matter if the couple have the same genitals. We are so scientifically advanced that a baby can be made in a test tube, so it is time to get pass the idea that a family consist of a man and woman who made a baby through copulation.
Arranged marriages is a business because daddy or mommy gets money or cattle when they marry their daughter off to a man. If a man can marry as many women as he wants and can kick them out or kill them, if he wants, then it is a business deal. An unfair deal but men set the rules about everything. (Except I don't let men dicktate to me. HA! couldn't resist that).
Traditional marriage seems to have little or nothing at all to do with love and passion so perhaps it is simply that many heterosexuals are marrying without really loving and desiring their spouses and they can't stand the thought that homosexuals are willing to risk our lives and have family turn against us to be who we are and be with who we want to really be with.
Since marriage DOES involve a legal contract that automatically makes it a business deal and in AMERICA, I am entitled to that legal document.
I have no problem with heterosexuals saying I choose to be homosexual because they are right. I choose to be a homosexual and not pretend to be heterosexual. Now what? Heterosexuals play with words that too many times just doesn't make since. I choose to share my body with a woman that I can feel. I choose not to share my body with a man that I CANNOT feel.
If male egos are so fragile that they take it personally that Salty doesn't want them sexually -- too bad.
(And right here a hetero-male will say -- well I don't want you anyway -- I don't know you. And you're probably an ugly lesbian anyway. And I would reply -- EXACTLY. If you don't know me then why do you care who I marry. If you know me and want me but can't have me -- oh well get over it. Stop being vindictive. Obviously, we don't always get who we want -- that's life.)
The woman who came up to my work floor looking for her man because someone told her that he had his arm around a women's shoulder was probably glad that it was me, THE LEZBIAN, who didn't want her man SEXUALLY.
CONGRATUALTIONS ALEX & WANDA on the birth of your twins.
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The Agenda-Civil Rights
Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law
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All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.
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