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Monday, November 17, 2008
I read another post by the lesbian mom/wife who she feels like she might have let the gay community down. (Mrs Etheridge you didn't let me down.)When I first heard her speaking about how her hetero-family members treats her and her wife and children, and that she loves them -- well, I thought some people wouldn't understand what she was saying. I understand and some of us who haven't lost our families over our gayness will understand. Some may take what she said in a negative way. But the main point is, we should all be able to express how we feel -- say that we love our blood family and our lovers without it being thought of as a bad thing. We love our family members and friends who voted against us having the same equal rights that they do. I don't hate anyone. I grew up in a community that is church oriented. And for hetero-people who don't go to church they follow what is considered normal. I will not go into the ones who abuse their minds and bodies with drugs and alcohol and have children that they don't take care of -- but think they are better than I am simply because they are heterosexual. Does that seem like I'm angry? I'm not angry -- I have just observed how people in this world view things. There is a lot of hypocrisy. Yesterday, I saw a video where an elderly Black man said that two men sleeping together is not about civil rights -- that Black civil rights was about dignity and freedom. So his dignity and freedom is different from my dignity and freedom -- in his mind. (He has the right (now) to marry any woman that wants to marry him. He isn't thinking about the time when Blacks could have their children taken from them. There are probably some people that read SPT and don't agree with all that I write. But it's my blog, my opinions and I, at the moment, have freedom of speech. Well, except for when I stand on my porch and a cop doesn't like what I say and tells me that he can arrest me -- but that's a whole other blog topic--Black civil rights in America. Oh yeah, had to think for a minute, I got a step off track (but not much). How do we reach the masses to let them know our point of view? We do blogs. We speak publicly. We do YouTube. But how many hetero-people read our blogs, listen to our public speeches or look at YouTube that has videos about our issues? It is the celebrities who get the public platform that can reach the masses. And that is a lot of weight to carry. Comedienne Wanda takes the mike at a rally, says she's gay and it's written up in a newspaper. Singer Melissa writes that she will not pay state taxes (HA! letting off steam), and it's news. And she gets to go on Oprah that is not only nation wide but world wide. Actress Whoopie speaks to support her gay friends and she gets the cameras. There are many who speak out about inequality but we mainly speak to our own who are going through the same things. And so many heterosexuals, not directly affected by our issues, don't care enough to listen -- to get our side. And I think that is the worst attitude that anyone can have -- to not care enough to listen. Heteros who oppose same-gender marriage need to ask themselves why they object to equality for all adults. Why are they voting against something that will not alter their lives? Why do they feel threatened by same gender couples getting married? Where is the research on that? I know the psychology behind the narrow-mindedness. I am more free than a lot of those who have equality but are oppressed because they fear their God. I don't fear my God. I have nothing but love and hope in my heart for my fellow sisters and brothers all over this world. Once love totally fills you, you fear no one -- not the people who deny equality or the man with the badge on his chest and a gun on his hip standing at your door. It is a heavy weight to speak for so many who can't speak for themselves. When love fills you -- you have the true GOD on your side. PEACE.
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Hi SPT readers. I haven't posted anything new in several months. I don't want to post about political issues so until I'm inspired with something new or finish a story ....
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Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
The Agenda-Civil Rights
Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law
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All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
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