Today, while I was working on adding a few things to the blog, my minister cousin came in and wanted to show me something on the computer. As I was trying to get the screen cleared down, she was looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw the look on her face as she read '
lesbian'. It's a good thing I wasn't watching a so-called lez video or had pics of women kissing or in various stages of undress. Hey, I'm single. She didn't say anything. We laughed at the E-mail she showed me and then she left. Well, it's not like my family doesn't know, it's just not talked about, at least not with me. A woman had come in with my cousin and she is also a minister. She stayed in the living room talking to my mom. I wonder if she would have said 'bye sweetie' if she knew I am a lesbian. My cousin's husband is also a minister. I have not been to a service at their church. Mom tells me that they both speak against homosexuality and the husband looks at her when he does it. I'm laughing and shaking my head as I type this. Hmm, the life. I don't critique their relationships and they had better not address me about mine. It's not open for discussion.
I am so sweet, the little yellow bees love me. I have to fight them off. One is a pest, more than three is an invasion.)
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