Friday, April 10, 2009

About Lesbian Transsexuals by Leece Johnson

I met Leece through a message board. I was interested to know whatever she wanted to share. She sent me an e-mail and I asked if I could post it with the intent to further share this information. --Salty

It was suggested that I may like to write a bit about the life of a transsexual lesbian. The lesbian part I can only speak on my experience .
I hope you may get some understanding of what it is like for us in Australia. I hope the bits I have taken from a web site are still in bold letters.

I believe in been very open about who and what I am why hide it.
I have given some 40 min talks to some company’s and doctors and beening that I have been in a few news papers and magazines to educate why try to hide.

Here goes

Transsexuals have the problem that our external sex doesn't match our mind sex. Those who are TS either Male to Female (MTF) or Female to Male (FTM) can go through extreme depression, confusion, suicidal thoughts, horribly low self esteem, hatred and taunts, discrimination of all kinds. Worse yet some suffer violence.

lesbian and Gay people can hide who they are unless they have a sticker on there tea shirt saying they are different. Think how you would feel if you had to all ways have a tea shirt from birth saying I am lesbian.

Transsexualism is thought to start at birth and most can tell you that their first conscious thought was of being the wrong gender. TS children quickly learn that speaking or acting how they really feel will put them through violence and hatred, estrangement from a parents love and the taunts of all their peers. So most suffer in silence and alone, never growing up as themselves. The trauma of being forced to lead their life as someone other than themselves can lead to some mental disorders separate from Transsexualism. This is still a recognized medical condition and not a life style choice

A lot of the above may ring a bell with lesbians and gay people having to hide who you are when you were young.

its a life style choice do you all get that to.

I also get if I am a lesbian why have surgery as there would a lot better chance of finding a female partner. One its not about sex two I am in the wrong body I need to have surgery to correct this. It would be a expensive $30,000 plus life style choice for us transsexuals.

We are born transsexuals we don’t choose to be one.

Then Puberty strikes and the living nightmare begins. Body parts start growing and changing. MTF"s who feel like girls inside grow body hair, muscle mass and experience nocturnal erections and lower voices that they can't stop and it will haunt them forever.

Boy don’t I know it.

We end up coming out at work and often you will be sacked. There is laws in Australia to stop you been sacked from your job but there very week . Western Australia wear I came from don’t have any laws at all and you can be sacked for been transsexual. You can be thrown out of rental housing. And lots more. Transsexuals often can never find work mostly because of who they are.

I have been very lucky with work.

Surgery for a lot of us in Australia is done in Thailand wear there are world class surgeons . Its very pain full surgery and can take 6 months or more to heal.

What is now between our legs looks the same as what you women have.
Yes most of us have no problem having a orgasm. We had all planed studied and found out every thing we could about what we had to go through to get to this stage. I have no regrets and would do it all again.
I am now so happy that I am me with mistakes made at birth now all fixed up.

In Australia our birth certificate is changed to state that we were born female. Some of us will be beautiful and know one would ever know our past by looking at us. Some like myself are on the edge of passing on the fem side. That’s life I suppose.

Here is some thing from another site

Most people never have to ask themselves the question "Am I male or female?". They only have to look at their body and the answer is obvious. For transsexuals, the sex of their body feels totally wrong, because the way that they see the world is that of the opposite physical sex. This is often very confusing for the transsexual, since most people expect a male body to contain a man, and a female body to contain a woman. This is not true for transsexuals, and the fact that they have the wrong physical characteristics for their true sex makes them very unhappy

Sexual preference

I don’t know how other lesbian trans people feel after surgery as all my friends are into guys yuck hehehe.

About me been lesbian

Some like myself know we are attracted to women and I thought that after surgery I would find a ..... GG (genuine girl) and live happy ever after.
I never studied this side of life just took it for granted I would find some one. That was a very big mistake on my behalf to just assume.
I don’t know if others assume like I did. I know a lot of transsexuals don’t bother in trying to find a partner and just stay single. It took me a few yrs to come to terms with the fact that most women would never be interested in me and there is a very real chance that I will always be single.

I don’t hold any grudges its not any body’s fault. If I had have found out earlier about my chances finding a partner I would have been ready and not gorn through all the tears. A lot of GGs here in Australia still think we are males . We can be very emotional people .

There is no match making site out there for lesbians and transsexuals. There is for guys and transsexuals. That shows you how few women except us as a partener. I met a wonderful women about 18 months ago and we became very close friends and we still are. We share a house and do most things together when I fly home from my 4 weeks at work to have a week off. I work in the mining game. Having women friends has always been very important to me. That helps me to move on with life now days.

Sorry I am not very good at putting words on paper. At lest you now know a little about us. I would have to write a book to explain every thing. Its taken me most of the day to do this so I hope its ok.

If you want to read more a very good book that you can get in the USA is.
True selves by M Brown.



NOTE: The only editing I did was in spacing and a deletion of a line where Leece mentioned someone that I don't have the okay from to publish. I hope we all have a better understanding of Leece and others like her who are are in our community. We all have stories to tell. --Salty

Disclaimer: all rights remain with originator. I will remove content by request of owner.

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The Agenda-Civil Rights

Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

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