Sunday, November 9, 2008

Black Heterosexuals (Part 2)

The haters and the heterosexuals scared of losing their homosexual spouses WON this round. But what did they really win? So homosexuals can't get a piece of paper that legally binds them to their lover -- so what? So homosexuals can't get health coverage for their children and all the other things that go with same-gender marriages being endorsed by the law. Until heterosexual haters grow hearts and find the true GOD, then let them think they have won something. If taking away our legal rights makes them happy -- then let them have this bit of happiness -- because they probably don't have much in their lives.

NOV 5: I've been thinking about Melissa & Tammy and Ellen & Portia today. I know there are others but they are the only California gay couples I know. Last night, as me and Mom watched the presidential election, I told Mom that tomorrow Melissa and Ellen might not be legally married. This afternoon, she told me that she thought they had won. But when I checked, I found that we all had lost. I have explained to Mom that when the Federal & State Constitutions can be changed so easily, and rights can be taken away so easily, then Black people had better wake up. Now being a Black senior citizen she can understand that better than anything else I could have explained to her.

It's November 9: I have been adding and deleting from the draft of this post since November 5. Mom is watching "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" with Sydney Poitier. Isabel Sanford, the Black housekeeper for the White family enters the kitchen and sees Poitier on the patio talking with her boss, the father of the woman Poitier is involved with romantically. The housekeeper says "civil rights is one thing but this is something else" or something like that. And that falls in with how many Black heterosexuals feel about gay marriage. They don't see gay marriage as a civil rights issue.

I read a Google alert about a Black lesbian who did door-to-door in Black neighborhoods to encourage people to vote in the presidential election. She didn't bring up anything about Prop 8 because her main focus was on the national election and not the state election. She didn't say so, but I know she didn't want to alienate the Black people she was trying to get to vote. I live in the Black community, so I know how the majority of Black heterosexuals feel about homosexuality. A Black 40-year old neighbor woman said Condoleezza Rice needs to get married and have some babies. Now Rice is a Black woman who is Secretary-of-State but her primary purpose should be to get married and have babies -- is how many many many Black women feel about the purpose of a woman. Rice is intelligent and her having a powerful position means nothing to women who think that all a woman is suppose to do is marry a man and have babies. And we certainly know that plenty of men feel the same way. So with that type of mentality in the Black community, is it any wonder that most heterosexual Black citizens do not support gay marriage. Add in the brainwashing of the church and you have most Blacks voting against gay marriage. The same as other heterosexuals who oppose gay marriage, they do not visit gay websites and read what our issues are really about. They listen to the negative propaganda and go with that.
There are Jewish American citizens and how do you suppose they voted as a majority on our issues? How did America's original people vote on our issues? At one time or another, every group of people in America, have been discriminated against. But things that don't affect us personally, the majority will not side with the minority. But as people become more informed, and see things from more than one side, people generally do the right thing. It's just going to take time.
Some of those who oppose us, hate us. But not all heterosexuals hate us, they need to look beyond false teachings and learn the truth.

This evening, I saw a young boy on TV who has leukemia. Think what advancements could have been made if those millions of dollars spent for and against gay marriage had been spent on research. Shame on Americans who wasted that money to stop people from having their civil rights. If their child or a love one comes down with a deadly affliction -- they can kick their own ass for wasting that money.

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Hi SPT readers. I haven't posted anything new in several months. I don't want to post about political issues so until I'm inspired with something new or finish a story ....

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The Agenda-Civil Rights

Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law

One Law

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All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.

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