News Worthy...Not
:Lany said... word. i feel you.
Monday, April 27, 2009
:steadycat said... I once worked for a news department as a newswriter. It was run by small minded white business men. Every time I wrote any news sourced from gay newspapers about worldwide news -concerning gay people - it was not included. I was told my information was only hear say. Every time they had anything that fit their racist, white male mentality - they flashed it on the TV quicker than you could blink your eyes and spit.
It is not news until the straight white boys at the stations think it's news. Its all about their agenda. Thats the sad fact.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
:Salty said... Hi Lany. Thanks for stopping by. I like your art work.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
:Salty said... Hi SteadyCat. The local news media (radio,tv) where I live would not give coverage to a Civil Rights rally a couple of years ago. It was announced on the one Black radio station but not on the 2 White ones and the tv-news station would not bring out the mobile unit. There is so much going on and it's not being reported by the mainstream media. Here in America, the truth is, not much has changed where Civil Rights for Black and Gay citizens are concerned.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
10.5.08.Sun "About Kathy's Blogs"
SALTY said...
Dipstick, you are very welcome. And I thank you for providing useful info, history, humor, and a place for me to hangout occasionally. I try to pass on to my Readers sites that are not only entertaining but useful. As more and more women are coming out, they need the info you provide. Tell Lipstick, that Salty says hello and I thank her also.
10.5.08.Sun "About Kathy's Blogs"
Dipstick said...
Thanks for the shout-out! Much appreciated.
And yes, I take a bit of a different tone on Lipstick & Dipstick than I do on Lesbian Life. A bit more "salty" language.
9/29/08/Mon "10 Lesbian Myths"
FROM: Salty
TO: SteadyCat.
I'm just replying because I was making myself not post anything at SPT for a few days. I'm glad I posted something that made you laugh. Sometimes things just get too heavy and I have a sense of humor. And woman, this issue is just way more serious than it should be. Need a humorous side just to keep from screaming or smacking some fool upside the head. Was that too serious. HA!
9/24/08/Wed "10 Lesbian Myths"
SteadyCat said...
I enjoyed reading your post. Number six and seven made me laugh. :-)
Salty said...
Hi Tarah - except for my auto making me cuss -- things are okay. Nice to hear from you. Yeah, I try to drop a few words when I visit some sites. Now that I have one, I know how it helps to get feedback from Readers. I have a counter, but it's just not about knowing how many are visiting. I like making contact with people. We bloggers post to share with others and it's nice to get feedback, even if a Reader only says hello. I've been adding FREE gadgets that I like and hope the Readers do also. --Salty
Anonymous said...
Hey Salty, How have you been lately, thanks for the comments. It's nice to know that my writing is being read. Hopefully one of these days I'll have a blog that's half as elaborate at yours :)
Thanks for showing you're support.
Salty said ...
Hi SteadyCat. I like your site as well. Thanks for adding SPT to your blogroll. Take care. --Salty
SteadyCat said...
Hi Salty, I'm enjoying your site and have more to read. Keep writing. SteadyCat
8/12/08/Tue "Playing With Paint#1"
Wendy said...I love it. Very symboic of the boxes we tend to keep ourselves in at times.
8/2/08/Sat "I'll Never Regret Loving You"
Sarah said...I really like this one. It has attitude and raises an interesting question: What's the point of going to heaven if you have to sell your soul to get there?
Salty said...
Aug 1: Thank you soussurvivor. I'm glad that you like the story. I'll try to post the next installment next week.
7/21/08/Mon "Please"
Soulsurvivor said...
You are the beautiful person that God made you to be!
7/21/08/Mon "Feeling Her"
Anonymous said...
There's not a man alive who could ever appreciate your sensitivity and sexuality. You are exactly where and who you need
7/21/08/Mon "Meeting Women"
Soulsurvivor said...
I will be glad to meet you in Heaven anyday!
7/16/08/Wed "Rusty 1 - Salena"
Soulsurvivor said...
7/15/08/Tue "Trouble"
Soulsurvivor said...
You are absolutely rilliant!
7/15/08/Tue "Tell It Like It Is"
Salty said...Thank you soulsurvivor for commenting. I like to get feedback. I'll be posting more so keep checking back.
7/15/08/Tue "Tell It Like It Is"
Soulsurvivor said...
You have found a reader that is not only interested in what you have to say, but captivated by your words, every single one of them/
5/18/08/Sun "Fear Squeezes"
Anonymous said...
I like the poetry. When will you have more short stories?
WELCOME to SPT. fiction, poetry, thoughts on current events, personal tidbits. WARNING: Adults only. WARNING: I will delete comments that are attacks on the LGBT community.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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Hi SPT readers. I haven't posted anything new in several months. I don't want to post about political issues so until I'm inspired with something new or finish a story ....
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
Feel free to post comments about something you have read at SPT because I do like hearing from my readers even if it is just a hello. I don't put up my email address because I already get mail from people trying to sell me Viagra which goes straight to the Junk box. :) I do receive notification when someone has made a comment at SPT and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting. -S
The Agenda-Civil Rights
Support for the LGBT Community: While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples. ... young & old, rich & poor, democrat & republican, black white hispanic asian native american gay straight disable and not disable ... we are and always will be the United States of America. --Barack Obama, (More)

One Law
SPT Copyright
All poems, fiction, art and other works created by Salty and published at Salty's Poetic Lesbian Tales may not be reproduced or published anywhere else except by Salty. Works by guest authors remain the property of the authors. Pictures submitted by friends remain their property. All other works used at SPT remain the property of the owners.
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
All copyrights reserved. Salty(c)2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
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